SSD write cycle questions


Jan 19, 2008
Has anyone actually 'burned out' their SSD by hitting the ~10,000+ write cycle MLC lifespan?

Does anyone have any idea how many write cycles are consumed just during a Windows 7 installation to a SSD?

On a similar note, I suppose that SSD low-level formats might be a write cycle issue as well.




Modern SSD's have a lifespan of 1 to 5 million write-cycles, so I wouldn't worry about 10.000 write-cycles. And windows 7 is optimized for use on ssd's, so it's quite safe to run it from an ssd. I wouldn't recommend installing an older windows version though.

-- Cadero
Consumer grade solid state drives have eviolved quite a bit since the first ones were introduced in 2007. You can see it if you follow the articles and reviews from 2007 to the present. Thanks to research and development the write cycles and longevity are no longer a concern.