Question Stable Diffusion Automatic1111

I've been using Stable Diffusion Automatic1111 for a few months now.
I recently installed it on a desktop computer and it works perfectly fine.
32 gigabytes of ram
Geforce 2080 (8 gigabytes)
I can 8x upscale a 1024x1024 image with LDSR in about 3 hours.
It runs with default settings in the webui-user and is perfectly happy sitting at 7.8/8 gigabytes for the duration of the upscale.

When I tried to do the same thing on my laptop it keeps erroring out after a few minutes saying VRAM has been exceeded.
16 gigabytes of ram
Geforce 3070 (8 gigabytes)
I have tried using --medvram and --lowvram, but neither seems to help it.
It does make the initial vram cost lower using ram instead, but as soon as LDSR loads it quickly uses the vram and eventually goes over.
I have closed all open applications to give the program as much available vram and memory as I can.
Is there a way to remind Automatic1111 how much vram I have?


Jun 9, 2021
FWIW A1111 haven't worked well for a while on my 8GB setup since SDXL. You might want to compare the baseline VRAM usage of both machines and see what's different. I don't think VRAM could swap.

Maybe run upscale separately after you've done generating.

You can also try ComfyUI. I've found it to be more VRAM efficient, as well as more versatile.