Stacking hp cases?


Sep 7, 2014
I am trying to build myself a renderfarm/server and found the cheapest way(70$ each node).
These are elite 8000 "convertible towers" which got rubber feet on right side panel to lay it on side and I saw like 9+ units stacked that way in computer market so I was wondering if its a good idea to ditch rack and put like 4-6 units like this and put a small display on top of stack?
Any suggestions? are those hp strong enough to stay stacked for long period of time?
And I was thinking of moving my media hdd to one of them(probably the "manager") to use it as a file server too.(my file server mobo died and wasn't worth getting another one)
There are several racks which can be had on the cheap.
The above is 188 delivered.
This one is 3 u taller and 10 bucks more.

This is the cheapest one I have ever used (never used the ones linked to above)

You could use some shelves to put the servers on.
I would secure them with at least some velcro double sided stick tape and some velcro straps...
A rack is better than a stack of un-mounted PCs. A rack stabilizes the servers so they don't fall. Gives you ready-made add-ons. Like PDU, shelves, cable organizers, UPS, etc. Also it is best to leave some room between the boxes for cooling. And, remember as the PC density goes up the needed ambient temperature drops.
Things I failed to mention:
*Looking for a cheap setup(pdu are expensive and the cheapest used rack I found was 250$)
*Elite 8000 doesn't have any vents on sides only on front and back.

Your point on cooling seems a real issue.
I don't think racks come with free ups, pdu, organizers etc.
Can towers stacked on side really fall?

Edit: oh I found dell r200 servers for like 150$ each which is double than the elite.
There are several racks which can be had on the cheap.
The above is 188 delivered.
This one is 3 u taller and 10 bucks more.

This is the cheapest one I have ever used (never used the ones linked to above)

You could use some shelves to put the servers on.
I would secure them with at least some velcro double sided stick tape and some velcro straps (long rolls of velcro you can cut to length).

The higher you mount them the more 'tippy' they will become. Yes they can fall. Yes I have seen stuff just stacked up fall.

If you can, keep them spaced out and add a least a cheap box fan or three. They are cheap.

If you can't afford a PDU, you're going to have to use something like a a high end surge suppressor. But a basic PDU with a line filter need not cost a fortune. This one is pretty good and only $80.

Maybe make a temp rack out of some wood? I built a nice rack out of wood for a friend many years ago. Worked great.

Keeping the r200 where you sleep would be tough. Servers are very compact and they have to move a lot of air to avoid overheating. Depending on the size of your room, it might be possible to make a "quiet" room. Not very expensive. But would need some sound board and or some eggcrate foam. Plus you would need air in and out. I turned a hall-closet in to a server room (also long ago, I don't work in peoples houses except as a favor). To make the closet work. I put sound board on all the walls and rubber mat on the floor. I opened the ceiling and had exhaust fan sucking air out of the room. In the summer we had to add an AC blowing in to the room (mounted basic small AC in his attic by cutting a hole in the side of the house and running some ducting to get the cold air where I wanted. It was still working great 4 years later when he moved. The new owner was very happy to have a server room (for email, file server, media server etc).

It sounds as if this is not in the budget right now. If possible I would encourage you to wait until you work out all the logistics and how to budget for them rather than start to fast and live with noise and heating issues which will make everyone in the house grumpy.
Finding a place for it would be hard(cold and isolated) in my house.
I haven't worked with wood but I have some experience with metal.
If I could get dimensions correct I might be able to make a customized to my needs rack(height, door type, lock, vents)
Thank you for your time bro.
It seems like you have a lot of experience with rackmount.

I've been doing it for a long long time.