My methodology is absolutely sound, the results are valid. What you see is what you get.
But 'meddling with benchmarks' is a pretty wide open statement. Both AMD and Nvidia have been sponsoring game titles since the dawn of graphics cards, lending expertise to projects and doubtlessly getting an inside track as how to optimize. I don't think I need to rehash that everytime I run a game bench. It's part of the business, not something I personally love, but this is a capitalist country and if companies want to form strategic relationships it's really none of my business to say they can't or shouldn't.
This is the status quo. Frankly, I wouldn't boycott a game I'm interested in if it's been sponsored by either AMD or Nvidia: if it's a good game, then they deserve some kudos, and if it sucks, they deserve to be told that, too.
Once again, all of this is irrelevant to someone who wants the best Star Trek Online experience, and that's who this article is for.