[SOLVED] Star Wars Battlefront 2 keeps CTD


Jan 12, 2017
The CTD happens randomly in-game whether I'm playing multiplayer or single-player and it is very often. I've tried capping the fps at 144 with MSI afterburner's fps monitor tool, deleting the game folder in my documents, repairing the game, turned on borderless, disabled origin in-game, and setting a config file to cap fps at 144 (redundant but I wanted to make sure).

This issue only happens for this game.
The usage of the CPU cores is around 20% - 50%.
I set the exe of this game in Intel Turbo Boost Technology to use all CPU cores.

High V-sync off

Nvidia Control Panel Settings

MSI Gaming Z 1070 core clock +100 and memory clock +500 (tried reducing it to 250 but no change)
i7 6800k - no OC
Corsair Vengeance 16 GB DDR4
SSDs: Samsung 860 Evo and pro
Motherboard: MSI X99a Raider

If I need to list anything else, please let me know.

Another thing I like to add is that anything I open and drag after the crash will look like it's creating multiple copies of the windows. Reminds me of the classic bug in Windows XP back then