Star Wars: The Old Republic: PC Performance, Benchmarked

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[citation][nom]giovanni86[/nom]Not hating or anything, but crysis was poorly optimized, and you can see that it was when you play Crysis 2. And Star Wars is Science Fiction. I have yet to see a actual working lightsaber that cuts through anything, or a X-wing or millennium falcon that flys in space that does the castle run in 12 parsites. Or even the fact you can go into hyper-space into a whole another galaxy like nothing.. Just saying totally Sci-fi if you ask me. Those were only a few of the many things that make Star Wars sci-fi. I've seen games hog resources and others that don't, but for the most part most games within the last few years have become big resource hogs requiring beefer machines to run them. Poorly optimized perhaps, but its a different developer using a different engine. The game isn't out yet, they are talking beta, and lets not forget beta BF3 to release BF3 it was a train wreck. But today it works almost flawless. Back to the game itself, i may or may not buy it depends if i know anyone who gets it. Graphically, i was hoping for a bit more and the world wise i didn't like the art direction when i first saw it, the first trailer i saw really hyped it up for me. It seems more of a hit or miss, i will let the final product launch and let the reviews of critics and users really push my decision.[/citation]

Err...Crysis 1 ran fine and it look better than this garbage.Infact it still has to be beaten in terms of graphical leaps. The game ran fine and is still the best looking game I've ever seen. Even warhead looks amazing.

In regards to star wars;clearly you are as ignorant as the masses. Just because it as lasers doesn't make it a sci-fi. Star wars entire philosophy was based around the force which is a magical, non-existence thing. Star wars is better suited towards the science FANTASY. Which is different from science fiction. There was very little science in star wars.Infact it was pretty much non-existence.
[citation][nom]hardstylerz[/nom]Err...Crysis 1 ran fine and it look better than this garbage.Infact it still has to be beaten in terms of graphical leaps. The game ran fine and is still the best looking game I've ever seen. Even warhead looks amazing.In regards to star wars;clearly you are as ignorant as the masses. Just because it as lasers doesn't make it a sci-fi. Star wars entire philosophy was based around the force which is a magical, non-existence thing. Star wars is better suited towards the science FANTASY. Which is different from science fiction. There was very little science in star wars.Infact it was pretty much non-existence.[/citation]

I would agree and disagree with you. I agree that Star Wars is going around something that is called The Force, but i disagree that the Force is something magical. It's an entire different philosophy. Also if you have checked Star Wars universe you would see that it is based on science fiction too. The entire Starwars series wouldnt exist if there wasn't the hyperspace drive to bring the galaxy together. It was so important that was invented twice. And I can't say that Death Star is magical too. But in a way, its a ficght between lets say "magic" versus science.
I've played in 4 betas and I can honestly say this game will destroy WoW.
Just being totally honest.
You totally forgot about the huge open worlds like Tattoine and Hoth and
the unbelievable PVP planet Illum, it took my breath away
What they fail to mention in this article is most of those "impressive free-to-play titles" all started out has subscription based and usually stayed that way at least for a couple of years before going free-to-play. This I believe is necessary in order to develop the game to point where it has the ability to hold its own in the free-to-play market. I bet Tom's will change its tune about SWTOR in the next few years if it goes free-to-play as well.

Another issue is whether or not WoW is losing subscribers purely cause of free-to-play, which is what they are assuming here, or if it has just run its course and players are looking for something different, whether it be free to play, SWTOR, or perhaps the majority of those who have been playing WoW have hit life. Once life hits finding time to play becomes difficult. Either way one should not just assume it is all due to free to play.
"Professions" pretty much sums up this review. Please actually PLAY the game beyond level 5 before you offer your "insights" on hardware configurations. While this article may have gained you some hits, it made you come across much less than knowledgeable. On a related note I will be posting an in depth review of WoW and GW2 based off of the youtube videos I have seen.
As much as it pains me to admit I understand this, in regards to your caption regarding the Kessel Run, the reason that a distance is used is because the actual "run" is through an area of space full of black holes. There is a "safe" route through it, but if pilots shave distance off of it, they can make it faster. So to make it from start to finish in a shorter distance is considered a better run. Admittedly, using the time they completed the run in would make just as much sense, but using distance would reflect more on the quality of the pilot's skill than the speed of their ship. Ok, nerd moment over, thanks for the article.
in 2 weekend tests maxxed out at 1080p with a 480 gtx and 2600k stock clocks i saw much different results from this review. my minium was 87 fps in this peior weekend and very rarely hit that low, and my max was 1110 and heavily weight the average due to being at 110fps most of the time. other peopel with lower end hardware saw similar results. where is alot of the performance qq i saw in relation to these test sessions was heavily centered around and pretty much exlcusive to even midrange(687)_ amd video cards, and or amd phenom 2 cpu's, often at much lower settings and resolutions. nvm that it's pretty obvious th eini edit for AA on nvidia cards that crashed amd cards didn't even work like at all if you bothered to look on predictable areas where jaggies show in teh game, even if ini edits and AA forced at the driver was even rational for the core graphs of a game perfromance review, which it isn't. as such i am forced to tell people to disregard this article despite months of pointing to teh tom's cata review as a source for general mmo performance expectations which was alot more consitent with in the wild results and for more indepth than this embarrassing article. i guess it's time to take tom's off my recomended list of hardware sites at this time, as this is frankly hilarious.
I'll never understand why people complain about spending $15 a month in a subscription fee to play a game. I mean seriously, when was the last time you went to a movie? Go watch a 3D movie in IMAX and you just spent $15 for an hour and a half of entertainment. $15 a month for a game will get you more entertainment for dollar. Also, when a company spends as much as they did on this game, a free to play model is not going to work. This thing has been in production for so long that they need to generate revenue to recoup the costs. A company will not go free to play unless they feel that they can generate more revenue than subscription. Sorry but thats just business. With the amount of interest this game has, Bioware would be stupid to try a free to play model. Heck, Blizzard is still on subscription because they know how much money they would lose on free to play. Suck it up folks it's only $15. Thats two meals at McDonalds.
[citation][nom]abey[/nom]Please actually PLAY the game beyond level 5 before you offer your "insights" on hardware configurations. [/citation]

Um... we did.

I'm intrigued though. Are you suggesting that, if we didn't hadn't played past level 5, frame rate performance would somehow magically change at level 6? 😀
I was looking forward to reading this until i saw there was no GTX 580. No love for nvidia's flagship GPU? What's up with that?
[citation][nom]HepaDerp[/nom]Are you sure the performance differences in the CPU core benchmark are from the amount of threads, and not from clock-per-clock performance differences or clock rates?As per statement from Simutronics, the HeroEngine is still single-threaded: [...] opic=889.0[/citation]

I am. Check the CPU benchmarks: all of the core scaling tests were run at 3.0 GHz.
You are a hardware review site, not a video game review site. Stop forgetting that.
Wait, let me get this straight. The author claims that a game (Star Wars Galaxies), made in 2003, and being shutdown 8 years later, is not successful? By what measure? SWG made plenty of money for Sony. When it shipped it operated a respectable number of subscribers for a competing MMO. WoW dwarfed the whole industry sure, but at prior to that a game running 100k-200k subs was VERY healthy and successful (that's 1.5-3million dollars in revenue a MONTH).

Any MMO that operates, at a profit, for 8 years is a business success, just because it doesn't reach WoW level of subscribers doesn't mean it's some kind of failure. I'd be proud to build a game that lasted on the market for 8 years, even at a fraction of the subs of WoW.
I wish he ran more SLI configurations. I have nearly a similar setup with more RAM and a 2500K at 4.2 OC but my cards are 570 x 2 in SLI.

[citation][nom]cmcghee358[/nom]What you see as a "waste of thousands" others refer to as a "life"Food for thought.[/citation]

So apparently you are the person who gets to decide how other people should be spending their time?
I've been participating in the beta weekends for about a month now, and run the game on High at 1080p just fine on my M17xR3 (2Ghz Core i7, GeForce GTX 460m).

Looking forward to how the desktop I'm getting the rest of the parts for (tomorrow!) will run games in general. 😀
I cancelled my preorder after the last beta weekend. The game is very generic and very boring IMO. It did run very smoothly though with everything cranked on my 4Ghz i5 2500k and 6870 1GB.
[citation][nom]Cleeve[/nom]Um... we did.I'm intrigued though. Are you suggesting that, if we didn't hadn't played past level 5, frame rate performance would somehow magically change at level 6?[/citation]

I agree with the frame rate issue yet your article proves you did not do much research into the actual game and/or spent much time playing. You also state the only flaw you found is massive zones ......but then state how it isnt better than WoW. I was in Death and Taxes for many World firsts .....and I played avidly for years. WoW has almost no story and the game has been dumbed down so a tard could play and compete.
Futhermore you say the only reason would be to play each of the 8 classes for story is simple math. If you play all classes for their story , At level 10 each class gets TWO MORE classes to choose from. So here is the math part 4 republic + 4 empire = 8 .... 8x2 = 16. Like the other poster stated did you actually play more than 3 hours of the beta?
[citation][nom]cmcghee358[/nom]What you see as a "waste of thousands" others refer to as a "life"Food for thought.[/citation]

Yeah, Others also pay 50-100 dollars a month for cable TV, and spent the same amount of time watching reality shows like Jersey shore or whatever. I'm good with MMOs instead.
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