Star Wars: The Old Republic: PC Performance, Benchmarked

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I will temper my Nerd Rage, and only make this comment:

"The Kessel Run in less than tweleve parsecs" is about navigational skill (accuracy & precision) through hyperspace, not real space-time (vector) speed.

If you don't believe ole Doc Reid then read more EE "Doc" Smith.

My CPU is getting too old it would seem even being dual core with good GHz. I played one weekend of the beta and got ok fps.

Maxed out graphics (No AA) but minimum draw distance gave me best all around I think.
Indoors was 30-70+ FPS small dips below 30 on occasion.
Outdoors was 25-45+ FPS with dips to 15 depending on outdoor location.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ @3.2GHz
GTX 260 Core 216 896MB GDDR3 GPU@576 MEM@999

Most games run ok, but some just struggle... I assume it my CPU is becoming my bottleneck. Am I wrong?
I love how every post in any way critical of the article or author is being systematically downmodded. Quite the army of ass-kissers here.
[citation][nom]Memnarchon[/nom]I would agree and disagree with you. I agree that Star Wars is going around something that is called The Force, but i disagree that the Force is something magical. It's an entire different philosophy. Also if you have checked Star Wars universe you would see that it is based on science fiction too. The entire Starwars series wouldnt exist if there wasn't the hyperspace drive to bring the galaxy together. It was so important that was invented twice. And I can't say that Death Star is magical too. But in a way, its a ficght between lets say "magic" versus science.[/citation]

Again you are mistaking science fantasy as science fiction. Both are completely different genres. There is an overlap but both are different. Science fiction deals with the plausible events and deals with innovative technologies. Whilst science fantasy deals with the impossible. Science fiction is the envision of the future and innovation. I suggest you read some REAL sci-fi novels before saying this in public. I don't blame you for mistaking star wars as sci-fi. I Blame george lucas
[citation][nom]ole Doc Reid[/nom]I will temper my Nerd Rage, and only make this comment:"The Kessel Run in less than tweleve parsecs" is about navigational skill (accuracy & precision) through hyperspace, not real space-time (vector) speed. If you don't believe ole Doc Reid then read more EE "Doc" Smith.[/citation]

In the actual movie, Han Solo says "She's fast enough for you old man", indicating speed, not his navigational skill.

All of the other explanations are non-canon, made up by fans to explain away a script mistake.
It's fun to point it out, try not to take it too seriously, mate. :)
[citation][nom]CptDroidbeard[/nom]I love how every post in any way critical of the article or author is being systematically downmodded. Quite the army of ass-kissers here.[/citation]

You forget the second option, which is that the comments suck. 😀
[citation][nom]Cleeve[/nom]Yep, it's just your personal opinion.We always add a short game review to put things in perspective. Everyone enjoys them (well, everyone except fans so emotionally attached to the game that any criticism is considered heresy).[/citation]

The only attachment I have is that of playing the game to decide how much it's worth the $100 I put down on two copies of it. So far it's been fun, but not at all game changing. That said, I've only played until level... 7? And that's hardly enough game time to form an accurate opinion on, so I plan to wait and see once it comes out and I have more time to mess with it.
[citation][nom]Yargnit[/nom]See that's the thing. I (and many other people) see it the opposite way. I won't play a FTP MMO as my main game. I just could never get into at as seriously as a PTP MMO. That's why we need both types available. Just on the fact that Guild Wars (2) is FTP I'll never try it.I'm not going 2 bash people that like it, whatever works for you. But I am getting tired of everyone trying to push all new MMO's to be FTP. PTP has a dedicated community of it's own just as FTP does.[/citation]

Guild Wars 2 is not Free to Play.. Its Pay once and Play forever..
What do you think the performance will be on a 260 gtx core 216? I have a Athlon 4800+ X2 and 4gb PC2-6400 at 800mhz. it doesn't need to be high everything I want don't want it to look like poo lol
[citation][nom]mike144[/nom]What do you think the performance will be on a 260 gtx core 216? I have a Athlon 4800+ X2 and 4gb PC2-6400 at 800mhz. it doesn't need to be high everything I want don't want it to look like poo lol[/citation]

Probably very close to the GTX 550 Ti. Your CPU will be the bottleneck, but it should provide serviceable performance. You might hit minimum frame rates in the 20-30 range, but it'd be passable.
"The Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs" makes sense because the Kessel Run involves travelling close to a star, the way hyperspace travel works in Star Wars is highly affected by gravity so getting close to stars is dangerous. Saying that you did it in certain length is bragging because you had to get very close to the star to travel the least distance, which also reduces the time necessary to make the trip.

I was really in to Star Wars as a kid.

In the Thanksgiving weekend stress test I played on a Core 2 Duo @ 3.2, with the exact same RAM & Video Card setup you have. I was able to play through the all of the starter area's on high (slightly tweaked up from there) @1920x1080 without any issues. I didn't FRAPS it to actually check FPS, but it was completely playable without issues.
Probably counts as feeding the troll but I can't help but laugh at someone getting upset about wether it's science fiction or science fantasy. News flash, there's no real difference. ALL science fiction is considered to be a sub-category of fantasy and therefore all science fiction is also science fantasy.

In any case it's all about imagining where the future and technology might take us and creating stories based on these imaginary settings. Any given Sci-Fi story will have elements of other genres, in fact all fiction does, that doesn't mean it needs a new category there are too many already. The principal setting of Star Wars is a future world filled with technological wonders - 100% sci-fi

As for the game, I'm interested in trying it but I refuse to pay more than one monthly subscription so I have to chose.
I ran the game on msi twin r6950 twin forzr hd 2gig in crossfire cards with max settings in the crossfire and in game settings all maxed out and got 40 to 180 fps depending on area and number of people in that area i use a q6600 cpu 8 gig ram at 1066 and a 800w pw with a msi pl p45 mb the game runs good and i did not have any problems with how it looked
I run an AMD Radeon HD 6570 with 1 GB DDR3 dedicated and it ran smooth as silk on my comp. AMD Phenom II 1055T Six core processor. No problems or slow downs
Wish more higher end cards had been tested especially differences between 1GB and 2GB.

Has anyone here played it at 2560x1600 - what sort of cards and rigs?
"In the actual movie, Han Solo says "She's fast enough for you old man", indicating speed, not his navigational skill.

All of the other explanations are non-canon, made up by fans to explain away a script mistake.
It's fun to point it out, try not to take it too seriously, mate" - Cleeve.

Well, I see we disagree about about a Smuggler's definition of a "fast ship" and probably a fast woman means.

Read for yourself:

In his biography, George Lucas reveals that the Lensman novels were a major influence on his youth. J. Michael Straczynski, creator of the science fiction television series Babylon 5, also has acknowledged the influence of the Lensman books.

Dr. Smith's original novels and can communicate with an extra-dimensional race of beings known as The Scientists, whose archenemy is Fra Villion, a mysterious character described as a dark knight, skilled in whip-sword combat, and evil genius behind the creation of a planetoid-sized "iron sphere" armed with a weapon capable of destroying planets.

If you have read EE "Doc" Smith's Work then you understand that a "Fast Ship" = "Q Ship".
G. Lucus will never admit to stealing from Smith, so you have to know your Sci Fi history to know the truth.
I played the beta. My overkill rig has a FX 8120 oc'd to 4.2 Ghz, 16GB of DDR1600 with a GTX 570. My average FPS was between 85 and 100 consistently.

The author misses an important point in reading FPS numbers in SWTOR. The fps reading is shown in either green (your system is GPU bound) or red (your system is CPU bound) to help you know at any given time what your primary bottleneck to performance is. For example, my FX 8120 at stock speeds would show a lower fps in red. Once I oc'd my system it now shows a substantially higher number in green. As most reviews will tell you, the FX really shines around 4ghz. I've found that to be true in my case as well.
[citation][nom]Cleeve[/nom]Um... we did.I'm intrigued though. Are you suggesting that, if we didn't hadn't played past level 5, frame rate performance would somehow magically change at level 6?[/citation]
What, you weren't aware? It's a universally-accessible buff, that raises the framerate by 15% for 200 sec. And technically it's not magic, it's a force power.

[citation][nom]Cleeve[/nom]At its core its just another MMO.[/citation]
To me, I'll admit that highlights my main problem. I never really could stay within the appeal of a standard-model MMO for very long. Sure, I've given some time to a decent variety of them, (especially the free ones, but also not-so-free ones like WoW) and in the end, I couldn't stay with them, as their core mechanics just got under my skin.

The reason I can disagree with 10 million others probably lies within the fact that to me as a gamer, making something multiplayer and tossing in the "social aspect" doesn't automatically make it better; I'll take a more solid single-player game over a less-solid multiplayer game any day of the week. My impression from others is that it's the opposite for most: simply by being an MMO, a lot of shortcomings are more easily overlooked. At least, that's the conclusion I got, as due to the main mechanics of "grind for gear" in games like WoW are vastly inferior to their non-MMO brethren; Diablo II immediately comes to mind.

In the end, I have my doubts I'd be able to seriously get into and stay with the game, as it was made pretty clear relatively early on that any and all hopes that it wouldn't fit quite thoroughly into the Everquest/World of WarCraft mold were entirely without basis. It follows essentially identical chracter-creation mechanics to WoW, with the largest change being that the "talent trees" don't start until level 10, and you are forced to pick one of two sets then. That yields another significant problem with the genre for me: there's no fun in experimenting with different gameplay systems, as they all tend to be entirely the same.

[citation][nom]Cleeve[/nom]In the actual movie, Han Solo says "She's fast enough for you old man", indicating speed, not his navigational skill.All of the other explanations are non-canon, made up by fans to explain away a script mistake. It's fun to point it out, try not to take it too seriously, mate.[/citation]
The original script did have a notation that indicated that the claim was supposed to be an entirely irrelevant/made-up claim, but I thought that LucasFilm/Arts later DID officially retcon the most logical explanation... Or at least, one did become official canon:

The Kessel run between Nal Hutta & Kessel, if done in a straight line, passes right through a black hole. (more specifically the Maw Cluster of black holes) Obviously such a path would have negative consequences for one's health, so pilots must detour around it. The faster a ship goes, the closer one could safely send one's trajectory to the black holes, as the smaller their "event horizons" would be for that speed. The later interpreted meaning there is that only with the Millenium Falcon's Class 0.5 hyperdrive that the course could be taken sufficiently straight that the length would come in under the 12 parsec mark.
Wow I hate to point this out but the information about crossfire not working in SWTOR is incorrect. I know this for a fact being that I was in the last major beta test of the game and my gaming rig has two Readon 6770 in crossfire configuration running the latest drivers!
Over the course of the test from Friday morning when the servers opened until Monday night when the servers where shut down I played SWTOR on MAX settings and in crossfire mode.
Not once did I have any graphical problems as reported by other players using Readon cards.
I don't know what build Tom's hardware was testing but it was the last build that's for sure.
I don't know what build Tom's hardware was testing but it wasn't the last build that's for sure.
Clarifying the typo I made in my previous comment.
[citation][nom]old Doc Reid[/nom]:In his biography, George Lucas reveals that the Lensman novels were a major influence on his youth. J. Michael Straczynski, creator of the science fiction television series Babylon 5, also has acknowledged the influence of the Lensman books.Dr. Smith's original novels and can communicate with an extra-dimensional race of beings known as The Scientists, whose archenemy is Fra Villion, a mysterious character described as a dark knight, skilled in whip-sword combat, and evil genius behind the creation of a planetoid-sized "iron sphere" armed with a weapon capable of destroying planets.If you have read EE "Doc" Smith's Work then you understand that a "Fast Ship" = "Q Ship". G. Lucus will never admit to stealing from Smith, so you have to know your Sci Fi history to know the truth.[/citation]

Basing a theory on what George Lucas read as a kid is less than convincing.

Show me a George Lucas quote explaining it and I'm onboard.
[citation][nom]wolf421[/nom]Wow I hate to point this out but the information about crossfire not working in SWTOR is incorrect.[/citation]

I discussed the CrossFire problem with AMD.

Are you saying you tested CrossFire and non-CrossFire frame rates and your CrossFire frame rates were higher? Because that's not what I'm seeing.
[citation][nom]CptDroidbeard[/nom]I love how every post in any way critical of the article or author is being systematically downmodded. Quite the army of ass-kissers here.[/citation]

They have been doing that the last few years. If there is good potion of comments that are critical of the article and/or author; you can be sure of a systematic down mode on those posts.

[citation][nom]Cleeve[/nom]You forget the second option, which is that the comments suck.[/citation]

Third option, the comments are true, just not liked.
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