Star Wars: The Old Republic Subscription Numbers Drop

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"(Go ahead and flame me. WoW is meant for kids..."

Not a flame, just a correction. The largest demographic group of WOW players are 24-39 y/o women (ages could be a bit off but they tend to be thirty-somethings). The idea that WOW is made for 12 year old snot eaters is just false and mostly used as misinformed ammo by WOW detractors. I like WOW, haven't played it for a year but I loved beating up on r/l housewives in Arathi Basin!!!
[citation][nom]csbeer[/nom]"(Go ahead and flame me. WoW is meant for kids..."Not a flame, just a correction. The largest demographic group of WOW players are 24-39 y/o women (ages could be a bit off but they tend to be thirty-somethings). The idea that WOW is made for 12 year old snot eaters is just false and mostly used as misinformed ammo by WOW detractors. I like WOW, haven't played it for a year but I loved beating up on r/l housewives in Arathi Basin!!![/citation]

first of all just because the players ages are 24-39 years means nothing....those young adults who play wow probably have the mentality of a child, aka they are retarded....

Tor isnt much better, and the way that their customer service is populated with retarded people (also their support call center seems to be full of British know people who love to impose their will upon everyone else (because their own govt is the leading "nanny state" and that mentality is ripe in this game and among their customer service people........exactly the type of person you want as a CS rep....not....

Want to play something different than WOW, go play DDO. I've played Asheron's Call 1 & 2, Everquest 1 & 2, DDO, WOW, Conan, LOTRO, WAR Hammer, and now SWTOR. They all suffer from the same types of problems. As for server populations, there is no reason that the Characters need to be bound to the server. MMO's should just have a character server and at login the gamer just picks the server/world they want to play on. It really sucks having friends on several different servers and having to create a character on each server just to play with them.

As for game inflation, all persistent online games have that problem...eventually most of the players have max level characters with the best gear. The only way to prevent that is to have some sort of automatic level advancement restriction that prevents people who play hundreds of hours per month from advancing beyond a few levels of those that only play one or two hours per month. I can think of any way to accomplish that. Perhaps hide all that information from the published levels, damage, or specs, only bench mark would be time to kill certain mobs.
Hmmm is it guite pointles to talk about WOW-killers... its is like talking about Windows killers. There is none. Wow is so huge that it can only be killed by wow itself... More proper is to talk about games that can live in the same hunting ground as wow. Can the game survive or not?

Swotor is not a bad game, but competition is hard and it takes some time to polish all the rough spots. Does the team have enough time and money to do it? We can only wait and see. If Swotor can live 2-3 years with constant upgrades it will be fine game. 2 to 3 years is enough time to achieve somekind of game balance and hunt and seek the bigges bugs. How many companies have so much money that they can wait this long and are customers willing to come back... Tricky questions. Some clever advertising can do it. SWOTOR 2 (actually just polished swotor (vista vs win7)) can make the day if they handle they cards right! Star wars is so huge asset that they can do it twice, but two mistakes (not ready game) would be too much...
Im still playing and happy. i played Wow for the first 2 years and enjoyed wow and took several years off so I'm probably not as burned out as others. The current 1.2 pvp patch makes it even more linear (simply get 10000 tokens to have a battle master set and then 50000+ for war hero). Im starting my 4th lvl 50 to go through its story line. DIII will pull me away for a while but I'll continue to play SWOR. Wow had 7 years to get all its content built and started of a lot worse then SWOR for content. It takes time to mature. I think the SWOR base is still around, they all come back for 1.2 upgrade, they will slowly wane off until the next big patch. Its a worthy game.
This is normal for MMO launches, WOW looses members after each expansion release because people play through the new content and then disable their subscription again.
Been playing since beta and some of the class balance issues are actually being made worse, overall, with the recent patches. There's a reason only a handful of classes are by far the most numerous in PvP. Some skills don;t makes sense and have laughable benefit.
I am waiting for the next patch before making a decision but haven't logged in for weeks.

I mean, I can do more damage with a pistol whip with 1 character than I can with a thermal detonator on another. NOW I understand why Jabba laughed when threatened with one.....
I played SWTOR for a couple of months leveled every class to LVL50 and did two bounty hunters one pvp heal and one pvp op. I can say after leveling your first two toons this game gets really boring - the continuously having to space bar the quests - I wish I could turn it off. I'm surprised to those who says the storyline is better than wow - it's different but not better due to it's simplicity. The best part about the game is the fact that you can solo as your spec and I mainly refer to healers who can level a healer as a healer rather than dps and then go heals. The game had huge potential and simply failed to deliver imo. People commenting on like wow or not another wow game are kinda stupid. All MMO's have three parts - leveling, end game and pvp for the most part with some form of crafting. Where I think SWTOR went wrong is their lack of development in the ares where it maters. It seems they didn't focus on what makes an MMO good and focused on stupid shit such as sound and graphics. I mean WOW has a lot of good things going for it and you would think they would take the good from WOW instead of taking the bad - strange decision. The lack of understanding comes when it was announced they were going to focus a lot more on pvp because more people were doing pvp than pve. Why is that absolutely absurd? Well we all pvp because that's how you got the gear easily and it was better than most PVE gear until you got to Hard/Nightmare modes. This is why the game fails so bad - not a clear understanding why a game such as WOW does so well.

I didn't quit because of the bugs, I expected that. It was not over with the poor pvp system or boring end game PVE stuff - it were the simple things such as no damage meters, the worst database Auction House that could ever be invented, how a lvl 20 toon could destroy a lvl 30-49 toon in pvp battlegrounds because of the absurd bolster system, so basically all the little things that makes a smooth enjoyable play. The lack of knowledge and development where it mattered is why I left and they will never get me back.
The server population is so bad on so many servers and the main Game designer, James Ohlen has said server mergers are not happening. So why should I pay to continue to play on a dead server? No transfers, no mergers, slow pvp queue times, and a host of other things have caused me to cancel my subscription.

The game still has some bugs, but overall it is a great game. The end game content is a little too easy, but it is the server population that I believe has people leaving at this point. I never expected SWTOR to generate the kind of numbers WoW has.

A third faction wouldn't be a bad idea either. It will be interesting to see the subscription numbers after the legacy 1.2 free month drops off for people who have cancelled their subscription.
Honestly I do expect SWTOR to drop under 1 million subscribers by the middle of the year. Not because it's a bad game per se, and not because it's a subscription game (most games that enter in to the market as free 2 play just are horrible games). No, the real killer of SWTOR is a 3 part problem.

1. Game play really isn't that much different than other games out there.
2. End game raids just aren't interesting for the rewards earned or on a play level
3. and the real killer, leveling is so fast and content burned through so quickly there is just no way with the voice acting they can even pretend to keep up with the pace of consumption.

Still they've made their money back, so as long as they stay north of 500,000 subscribers the game should remain nicely profitable. actually with severe cutbacks they've made they may stay nicely profitable down in to the 300k subscriber level.
From a standpoint of gaming it is a great success. There are ALOT that need improved.

PVP on ilum mass pvp... was rare but man before they made WZ count we had a good 30 vs 30 for like 3 hours. It was the best pvp ever and in 13 years of online mmo pvp experience (yes i got pwned ALOT; when they could loot all you had... kids cry about losing now) that is sayin alot.

Takes less than 30 days for me to max a char... And that is waiting for max rested, and just doing maybe a level a day past 25. (one night I did lvl 44-47 in just 7 hours pvp). "transferring" to another server isnt that big of a deal. They cannot take the one thing that counts- the skills that you have learned and piecing them all together.

I remember one time a player from other side in WZ yelled about how my spec was overpowered in 'say'. I was using my skills learned in dps, and playing as though I were dps... but I was full heals.. in full heals gear. He tried to 1 v 1 me, but you should not do that with someone that can heal themselves while hitting you back!

Didn't think to tell him; I am not that spec anymore and wasnt wearing the gear for it - because telling this would have just made me a target.

Bottom line if you think pvp is unbalanced, you are right; premades vs random shouldnt happen. Other than that it is simply badass.

The stupid voiceovers become VERY unwatchable when you have 3 other players waiting on you to continue. The game has thousands of things to fix and improve.

I think I have probably logged about 800 hours just in pvp - so maybe I am biased. I am still feeling like a newb, because there is still a lot to learn.
I played wow for several years and sure SWTOR plays like WOW, but so does Rift, Aion and every other MMO out there. To me that isn't the issue. I played SWTOR for about 2 months and then dropped it because it got boring. I played almost entirely by myself because I never ran into people that wanted to quest together. It really is and should have been developed as a single player RPG. If it was, I would have played it like any other single player RPG and have no gripes. But in the end I felt like I was paying $15 a month for a single player experience. Most of the friends that I know of that quit, felt the same way, why pay a subscription for something that is really designed for single player. I would have preferred a single player RPG with maybe some purchasable DLC for the new content. These just isn't enough there to hold people there for long term.
I But in the end I felt like I was paying $15 a month for a single player experience. Most of the friends that I know of that quit, felt the same way, why pay a subscription for something that is really designed for single player.

A very good point! But I allso have to say that when I was playing this with others, it was actually guite fun (like it should have been) but in general this is more single player orientated than most MMOs. A single player version would need a lot of more Bots... as on multiplayer the voise acting may not be the best choice, and this game would need more multiplayer content (and more players, even from different servers). Hard balancing issues.
The hard part is allso the economy. I don't know how much it cost just to keep the server running, but it cost something so they need some regular income. 15$/month is a little bit steep for single player game, free to play and micro cost would reguire some changes to crafting and other parts of the game so that there would bee a need to go for shopping to the ingame shop for something that you may need... You have to play allways when you fly to different star system (real money), you would have to play to buy gasolin to your speeder and star ship etc... Your character have to eat regularly (with real money) Hard to say how happy people would be cost like that?
I just hope that upgrades will make this more multiplayer friendly with the time...
I love the people that comment here. Ones that play the game and see the change with their own eyes are flagged, but the ones with wild speculation and numbers with no evidence to back them up are thumbed upped. Priceless

EA doesn't exactly have a sterling record when it comes to MMO's with the exception of The Sims. Worse, Bioware isn't the company it was 10 years ago. Put those two factors together and it spells disaster. Sure, TOR may be up five years from now, that doesn't mean a damn thing. Does no one rmember MxO? Game should have been pulled two years before it actually was, SWG? same thing. Earth And Beyond didn't even last two years, that's EA's contribution to the sci-fi MMO.

Just because it's still up and running doesn't mean it's doing well. All you have to do is sign up for Ryzom to see that. Ryzom is the MMO people wshed they had yet next to nobody plays it.

I give TOR three years before it goes F2P, and that's being generous. Six before it's down for good.
It is a great game. It has the ubiquitous MMO feel but is much more immersive because of the quality voice acting. The combat is paced well and more challenging than WoW, which practically plays itself these days. SWTOR will appeal to a more mature crowd because much of the game play is centered on story telling and moral choices. I hope this game is around for many years.
Pffft! I would NOT trust Bioware to do KotOR 3 at this point... LucasArts would be better off contracting CDProjeckt to handle KotOR 3. (CDPR's engine already handles realtime swordplay and spells too, so it's a natural fit for Lightsabers and Force-powers.) ;D
@targetdrone - Didn't you hear they nerf'd the I-WIN (Concealment/Scrapper) button 6 consecutive times in a row and the worst yet was in 1.2 patch "good content?" my ass. they destroyed a DPS class that is largely considered by the majority to be a pure healer class since their DPS spec is about 30% less than any other DPS class currently in game. But hey don't take my word for it just read the DPS parses.

Concealment/Scrapper class is the DeathKnights of SWTOR except deathnights are viable tanks in World of Failcraft just like concealments/scrappers are viable healers their DPS specs relatively are a fucking joke at best and considered to be non factors in both PVE and PVP just like World of Failcraft.

Everyone I know and used to PVP with on my server quit or is playing other games. Everyone I know that used to play my class "Concealment" no longer plays the class or is a healer.

At max level once you get geared there is nothing left to do. Farm raids all you want after you get the gear there is nowhere else left to go. Farm PVP gear all you want after you get the PVP gear there is no new content to see. And certainly no world PVP.

This game is a single player game at it's best.

BW openly admitted that they under estimated the PVP community... Now anyone who PVP's is on 1 server "Fatman" Everyone else are wow carebear PVE'ers.

All that said, the game has one thing no other MMO has. An engaging single player Story line for each class. I wish I could find more good to say about the game but I can't.

BW even publically admitted to the nerf cries to Concealment/Scrapper specs as being a sub par far less than marginal factor as to the finantial integrity of the game and thus they will cater to their pocket book by boost classes that do not need a boost just to maintain subscribers.

Now who do we know as far as a developing company that does the same thing?

Can anyone say Blizzard?

Within the first 2 months of SWTOR launch BW is now officially refered to as Biowizzard.

Incidently here's a quote that got me banned on the forums for 3 days:

"What took Biowizard 6 years to develop took Blizzard 3 months to destroy."

Enjoy the game.
I've canceled my account I am no longer playing SWTOR... I have 3 level 50's in SWTOR... I gave 1.2 a shot and tried to relearn concealment but realized something. I relearned to play this class 4 fucking times already. Why the fuck should I relearn to play my main class AGAIN... just because fucking retarded Wow carebears want to be spoonfed the I-WIN button that blizzard so graciously bestowed upon them.

I couldn't think of a reason... So I did what 400,000 other people did.

Level 50 Concealment DPS spec - I have not touched since 1.2 launch.
Level 50 Powertech Tank spec - I don't play all that much.
Level 50 Juggernaught DPS - In the same gear out DPS's my concealment post 1.2 by 31% both in spike damage and damage over time.

Here's a Quote from the Forum Community Manager of Biowizard depicting exactly what they think about Concealment/Scrapper classes (Imperial Agents and Smugglers)

"Originally Posted by GeorgZoeller
We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row being stun locked by a team of Operatives, then that might be part of that, and they will be not as likely to re-subscribe. "

This is the reason they nerf'd and continue to nerf this class. "It's all about da benjamins"
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