At Roadrunner343, What if people like myself use Dial-Up and where in an area where DSL and cable havent gotten here. Also in the small town I live in we have LAN partys at a place like a TownHall / Communtiy Center. Some times we get up to 30 people ranging from 8-40+ year olds. We have tried to use the Cell Phone Internet Hook up but with that many people you get disconnected all the time. Oh and just a few games we play at the LAN Partys are, Starcraft, Diablo, Diablo 2, Mechwarrior 3, Unreal T, CounterStrike, ZPS, HL2 DM, and very few of us play Vegas 2, Crysis, Crysis Warhead, and thats just a few we play mostly we play older games, because like everyone that comes has a computer slower than a 2.4ghz PC, 1GB Ram, less than 60Gbs of HHD space, and Onboard or an older 5500 Nvidia card or something in that range, Includeing myself and 6 others we have a pc with 2.8Ghz or better, 2GB of Ram or better, 6800 Nvidia or better, 100GB or better. And for me I have a pretty much a super computer comparied to theirs. Oh and I was the one that pretty much started the whole lan partys for the town.
2 processors running - AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6400+ BE
3.2 OC to 3.54 GHz Performance Rated at 9.60 GHz
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
8.0 GB of 4x2GB DDR2 OCZ GOLD 800MHZ
2x NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS (GeForce 8800 GTS 320MB/320BIT)
ASUS M2N32-SLI Premium Vista Edition
160GB Sata Main, 160Sata Data, 200GB Sata Data, 250GB Sata Data, 80GB Data
Lite-ON Sata DVD+RW DL
Writemaster IDE Lightscribe DVD+R DL
Antec 900 Case, 1000 Antec PowerSupply, Hanns-G 19" WS LCD
ZEROtherm Nirvana NV120 CPU Cooler
Now that im about to get a new PC, I will use this one for a server for the games.