Start fresh or upgrade?


Mar 18, 2018
Any advice on this would be really appreciated. So my question is should i start fresh or upgrade?
I've had this PC for about 5 years now maybe, i'm not sure on that. Specs: i7-4770, Gtx 660, 16gb ram. The motherboard is pretty out dated and the psu is also pretty bad. I am wondering if I should sell everything and start fresh or if the 4770 is still capable and maybe just upgrade graphics card psu and motherboard and keep the rest?
Thanks in advance.
What is it not doing that you need it to do? That’s still a capable cpu and 16gb ram is good. A new gpu, like a 1060 6gb would be very powerful with that cpu for 1080p/60hz gaming (144hz for esports). Unfortunately gpu’s are very overpriced at the moment - might change this summer with new nvidia cards but no way to know.

What psu, exactly?