When I was with the Amiga User Group in Melbourne, I went to the ACE 2000. Primarily to Support and Promote the Amiga, there was also many other Computer Systems on display.
I took a great interest in the Linux systems, though still in it's non GUI state, and to use it, you needed to type in commands to get things working.
I remember over hearing a conversation where someone stated that if Linux ever got a GUI, it would be the end of Linux, how wrong they were. Linux has come a long way from then, and I have enjoyed many times trying out Ubuntu, Debian, Suse, and other Linux OS's.
I have always stated to people, the day Linux can play Movies, Music and Games, and are a click away to install, I will never use Windows again.
Now it looks like it's even closer than ever, OK sure, there is still a Long way to go, but I believe that company's are now seeing the benefits of investing in Linux, and Drivers and Hardware support will be more available, and also for Stores to display Computers and or laptops with Linux on them, so customers can see for themselves, and staff trained on the benefits of Linux, customers might just one day say, can I have Linux instead of Window$ please.