Steam Games refuse to download/update


Feb 11, 2013
I've tried everything. Deleting the game directory, using the "steam://flushconfig" command in run, deleting all the steam files except steamapps, userdata, and steam.exe, changing my download region (to multiply states and countries), restarting steam and uninstalling then re-installing the game and NOTHING is working. I have no Idea when this started or why.The game downloads completely fine up until the 99% mark and then it just stops. All the games I already have installed work 100% fine. The internet in my house is completely fine too, the ONLY thing that doesn't work is steam downloads/updates.

Here are some pics to show what I mean:
steam is so wonderfull you pay them to ''rent'' a game and be at there mercy in order to use it ???

I like guy that pay $60 for a game and all they really got was a disk with a client on it amd have to fully relye on a 3ed party to load or play the game they ''bought'' lol
why not ask for a refund ?? I bet they will laugh at that as in too bad so sad - we got your cash and you got nothing