I built my PC a couple months ago, and everything has been performing fine up until recently. Temps were in the mid 20's and CPU voltage range appeared to be normal. However, without any action on my part (that I can recall) the CPU nowadays always sits at about 1.4v no matter the load, however the temps have been more or less consistent (maybe a bit warmer) and performance is seemingly unaffected. This morning I turned on the PC, started Chrome and began watching a video before realising that the temp. had gone up to the 50's out of nowhere, before going on to 75 and at that point I panicked and shut it down. Upon start up after school, everything seems back to normal (except for that voltage). I've read that 1.4v is close to the limit for overclocking, let alone a stock i7 so I would appreciate any help because this is starting to worry me.