Straight A Student Expelled from Uni?



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Anyone have this happen, or have a clue what might be the cause?: A sim
who had been adopted as a child (as opposed to an infant or toddler)
grew into a teen and went off to university. He made it all the way
through freshman with 4.0 GPA, Dean's list, and grants. Whilst the
final exam at the end of the freshman year was in progress, a message
popped up that said something like, 'It's high time Nathen returned to
the real world.' When the kid returned from his exam, the usual
messages popped up saying he had made Dean's list again and had earned
another grant and had been promoted to sophomore, all the while he was
morphing into an adult and boarding a taxi back to the old neighborhood.
WTH? (I moved him back in with his parents, and he seems quite bitter
about having been kicked out of uni for no good reason.) :-{


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Could it be that he was away from the home lot just before finals and
somehow the game calculated total hours at university and thought he'd
missed his finals (as well as completed them because he left from the
home lot on time)? I have suspeected this might be the reason people
are reporting both making the deans list AND missing finals.


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That is why there is a five hour warning before finals, so that they cannot
be at class when the finals come around.

It is possible that this is the finals bug that I have been hearing about at

you may also be interested in the University tweaker by Pescado

Morituri Nolumus Mori


"DeAnn" <> wrote in message
> Could it be that he was away from the home lot just before finals and
> somehow the game calculated total hours at university and thought he'd
> missed his finals (as well as completed them because he left from the
> home lot on time)? I have suspeected this might be the reason people
> are reporting both making the deans list AND missing finals.


Jul 14, 2001
Archived from groups: (More info?)

This happened to one of my sims as well. I jusr deaged him back to teen
using Insiminator and sent him back to college. :)

"J L Guest" <mrsg@no.address.INVALID> wrote in message
> Anyone have this happen, or have a clue what might be the cause?: A sim
> who had been adopted as a child (as opposed to an infant or toddler)
> grew into a teen and went off to university. He made it all the way
> through freshman with 4.0 GPA, Dean's list, and grants. Whilst the
> final exam at the end of the freshman year was in progress, a message
> popped up that said something like, 'It's high time Nathen returned to
> the real world.' When the kid returned from his exam, the usual
> messages popped up saying he had made Dean's list again and had earned
> another grant and had been promoted to sophomore, all the while he was
> morphing into an adult and boarding a taxi back to the old neighborhood.
> WTH? (I moved him back in with his parents, and he seems quite bitter
> about having been kicked out of uni for no good reason.) :-{


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Hmm, now I've had a student ejected who both had straight As,
got on the Dean's list for his finals AND had not been to a community
lot for many days (I have ceased to go to them at all because of
fear of being ejected from college). Sigh. I am very irate with
Maxis about the stupid way they do time in University. I've mostly
stopped playing it (though, of course, I rather reliably returned
to sims1 every now and then).