Strange fps drop + hardware tempatures


May 15, 2016
I've latley noticed that I'm getting a lower fps than usual such as 39-49 where as I used to get 60+. The game in paticuler is overwatch. I decided to chech the tempature (via speccy) of the gpu and cpu while playing and found that the Gpu (Gtx Nvidea 970m) was at about 50 C, and that the cpu was at about 75 (Often 78-80) C + (Intel i7 4720). That cpu heat seemed a liiiitle high to me. I know the gpu heat was normal, so that seems okay, but the cpu was at about 75 C at 51% usage. So I have two questions really, is this a normal cpu heat while gaming? And why might I be getting lowered fps? Now idleing the temps are 51 C for the cpu, and 44 C for the gpu. Any help is appreciated.

EDIT: I reopened Overwatch, and this time the fps was back up at around 80, maybe it was just my internet?
Hey there, Flaif64.

Since this is a laptop (at least judging by the GPU, but please correct me if I'm wrong), it's a bit normal for CPU temperature to build-up after some time. That's why it's recommended that you clean it up once in awhile and check if you have to change the CPU's thermal paste. Using a cooling pad for the laptop could also bring down the temperature with 10-15C°. Basically overheating can easily lower the performance, that's what happened with my laptop and Heroes Of The Storm. After a good cleanup everything went back to normal.
On the other hand 75C° while playing is not that high (at that time i had 75C° while idle). So I'd recommend that you test your system as well, standard stuff, such as stress test for the CPU, GPU; memory test; HDD diagnostic test.

Hope that helps. Please let me know how everything goes.