Question Strange freezing and crashing issues when gaming on a new PC ?

Jan 10, 2024
A brand new PC crashes in a peculiar way, with the screens staying on but frozen. This happens hours into intensive use (gaming). It will then reboot itself after some 30 seconds of being in a frozen state. Sometimes it will fail to boot and retry up to 2-3 times before rebooting succesfully.
After rebooting and going back to gaming, it will only take about 5 minutes to crash again. Then after rebooting yet again, it will then only take about 2 minutes. It will last longer without crashing if left off for a while.

My first thought was an overheating issue, but I couldn't find anything from the monitoring software that showed anything to be overheating. I included the GPU-Z Sensor log. First crash happens around the 4 hour mark, can see temperatures drastically dropping. Second crash is at about 4:25 and third one at the very end.

I also took a look in the event viewer after the crashes, crash.evtx and reliability monitor screenshot included. Tried uninstalling nordvpn and nvcontainer only stopped working this time, all other crashes it didn't.


I've run some stress tests via OCCT as well. So far RAM tests, 3D standard gpu test and a PSU test all caused a crash on their own

Really stumped here. Can anyone help me figure out what's wrong?

GPU-Z Sensor log and Crash.evtx here -