Question Strange smell coming from pc wondering if I can do any damage to health

Dec 10, 2023
I built a pc late summer 2022 using the Corsair CX750F RGB, Ever since then a weird smell seems to come from my computer followed by a strange feeling in my throat, the smell recently intensified, and I did some research and found it was likely coming from my PSU so I removed it, just wondering if there is any way to see for sure if that is what is causing issues. Also would be great if anyone knows if this can have an impact on my lungs as I am a serious athlete.
Thank you
A new psu may emit some odor for a short time from flux burning off.
But after so long, I would think there is a problem with the psu and you should replace it.
It is likely still under warranty.
Or, buy a better quality replacement; look for at least a 7 year warranty.
In the mean time, to protect yourself, wear a N95 mask.