Strategy for a New Build purchase from newegg?


Sep 13, 2007
I'm wondering does anyone have some sort of strategy when it comes to building their own PC (all parts from newegg)

I have around $400 bucks saved up and it is going to total around 850.

My advantage is that I don't have to buy it today. So my question is, to optimize my purchase, should I buy a little at a time using the 6 month no interest option, or just do it all at once.

I was thinking maybe to buy some pieces that actually have discounts right now (20 and 30 instant cash off) and maybe save some pieces for next month and maybe they'll go down.

Ram, windows, cd drive, PS and HD is what I was thinking off purchasing now, and put the 6 months no interest on that while I keep saving money through out the month for the big purchases of the I5 cpu, gtx 560 vid card and mobo.

Anyone done something like this before? Maybe I'm just over thinking this, I'm not sure.
If you buy stuff today and it is sitting around, what's the point? Save your money and buy it all at once. In a few months all the prices will come down anyhow.