Question Stuck in Automatic Repair Loop

Jul 5, 2019
Hi there!

I really need some help sorting out this major problem of mine. My computer is an HP Pavilion desktop
It came out of nowhere yesterday evening. A black screen will appear, along with the HP logo and "Preparing automatic repairs..." loading up below it. It never gets anywhere, however, and simply restarts itself over and over again. I ran an extensive system check overnight and saw that the "memory test" was the only failure.

Failure ID: 60FKK3-8T49MR-XD4CRF-40EE03

I tried to access System Restore, but it just leads me back to the same repair screen and goes back to restarting again. Help, pls? 🙁
If this is a failure related to RAM, then the first thing to do is either, if you have multiple sticks, taking them all out, and replacing them one by one and trying to boot or, if you have a single stick, getting a known good stick of the same type.

If you've got multiple sticks eventually one of them is going to cause the boot to tank again. You could also just put one in, boot, if it's good put it aside, sub in the next, lather rinse repeat. Memory failures are relatively rare, but not unknown.

Issues with memory failures can cause not only what you're currently experiencing, but all sorts of peculiar problems.