Question Stumped on a random DRAM light.


Jun 13, 2021
Problem randomly started occurring the past month or so during transition of G.skill trident Royal kit and I then returned that memory for Corsair Titanium... I was running the Royal kit and while its not perfect for my board it kinda worked running a 6400mhz kit @ 6000mhz but it still ran hot during gaming, so I swapped for Corsair titanium 48gb @ 6000mhz it runs about 10-15C cooler than my G.skill did. However during all of this I'm getting random DRAM lights on my MB (Aorus Z690 Ultra) it only occurs maybe once or twice a week. I can reboot and it goes away, and typically the machine still posts even if the DRAM light comes on, its only failed boot once. I can check task manager and memory shows set bios speed and proper amount of memory available.

My bios is slightly out of date but I've seen a few issues of people running F28 and less issues out of F27 so I've been hesitant to update, as far as settings with Corsair im just using XMP profile 2 @ 6200MHZ and its been fine, passes benchmarks and runs games. I did have memory boot set to Auto, I can maybe eliminate the problem enabling/disabling memory fast boot? or Normal boot? not sure of the differences. Possibility of me suffering from 14700k failure? or maybe MB is faulty? I've had the board 2-3 years now?

System specs:
Windows 11
Evga 1200w PSU
Gigabyte 4090 OC
Gigabyte Z690 Aorus Ultra (F27 Bios)
Corsair titanium dominator 48gb 6200mhz (slots A2 & B2)
2 980 Pro M.2s

Bios tweaks :
Insta 6ghz enabled
Xmp profile 2
High memory bandwidth enabled
Low Latency enabled ( I don't believe either of these would cause a D-Ram light.)
Memory fast boot set to (disabled currently)

System has been together since launch and just now experiencing this over the past month.
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Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Motherboard: make, model, version?

Check your motherboard's User Guide/Manual. Some motherboards require that the first physically installed RAM be placed in a specific slot - likely DIMMA2.

That does matter.

Refer to the manual to also doublecheck that all installed devices are supported, properly connected, and configured.


Jun 13, 2021
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Motherboard: make, model, version?

Check your motherboard's User Guide/Manual. Some motherboards require that the first physically installed RAM be placed in a specific slot - likely DIMMA2.

That does matter.

Refer to the manual to also doublecheck that all installed devices are supported, properly connected, and configured.
Done my apologies.