Build link:
Approximate Purchase Date: this week (prime deals)
Budget Range: <$3500 i'm pushing the wallet here, but if you suggest a more expensive option i humbly request a reason why so i can weigh the cost/benefit please.
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Hardcore gaming, 1440p/1080p dual-monitor setup. One 144Hz, the other 60Hz.
Are you buying a monitor: No
Parts to Upgrade:
I really need suggestions for are case fans and a CPU heatsink/fan. Preferably no water cooling, but if you have a good argument let me know, note that i can't get inside the case easily to refill/replace any liquids. I like the idea of 140mm fans, because they're quieter.
I'd like suggestions on if there's any better parts (mainly motherboard and RAM, as i know nothing about determining quality for them); the case (see additional comments); and the cooling (both case fans and CPU heatsink/fans).
Do you need to buy OS: No
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: The cheapest
Location: Florida, USA
Parts Preferences: n/z
Overclocking: I do plan on doing very basic overclocking. Very basic. Using MSI Afterburner is really all i know how to do. Yes / No / Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution: Primary: 2560 x 1440 (1440p) 144Hz Secondary: 1920 x 1080 (1080p) 60Hz
Additional Comments: I have a sit/stand desk and my case is in a bracket and attached to the underside to rise with the desk. Because of that the case must fit in a certain size; LxWxH not much larger than 21.7in x 9.5in x 21in (~550mm x 240mm x 534mm). I have an old Corsair Vengeance C70 case that I really like. I don't know much about airflow, or if it's even good for that, so if there's another case that's just plain better than please recommend it, but if this case works, I don't see a reason to spend more money. Here's the tech specs for it:
I would prefer a mostly metal case, as tempered glass is much heavier.
I DO NOT CARE ABOUT APPEARANCE. I would honestly prefer non-RGB options whenever available, but i don't care if they're there, i only care about performance.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: I just feel like it's time for an upgrade
Approximate Purchase Date: this week (prime deals)
Budget Range: <$3500 i'm pushing the wallet here, but if you suggest a more expensive option i humbly request a reason why so i can weigh the cost/benefit please.
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Hardcore gaming, 1440p/1080p dual-monitor setup. One 144Hz, the other 60Hz.
Are you buying a monitor: No
Parts to Upgrade:
I really need suggestions for are case fans and a CPU heatsink/fan. Preferably no water cooling, but if you have a good argument let me know, note that i can't get inside the case easily to refill/replace any liquids. I like the idea of 140mm fans, because they're quieter.
I'd like suggestions on if there's any better parts (mainly motherboard and RAM, as i know nothing about determining quality for them); the case (see additional comments); and the cooling (both case fans and CPU heatsink/fans).
Do you need to buy OS: No
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: The cheapest
Location: Florida, USA
Parts Preferences: n/z
Overclocking: I do plan on doing very basic overclocking. Very basic. Using MSI Afterburner is really all i know how to do. Yes / No / Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution: Primary: 2560 x 1440 (1440p) 144Hz Secondary: 1920 x 1080 (1080p) 60Hz
Additional Comments: I have a sit/stand desk and my case is in a bracket and attached to the underside to rise with the desk. Because of that the case must fit in a certain size; LxWxH not much larger than 21.7in x 9.5in x 21in (~550mm x 240mm x 534mm). I have an old Corsair Vengeance C70 case that I really like. I don't know much about airflow, or if it's even good for that, so if there's another case that's just plain better than please recommend it, but if this case works, I don't see a reason to spend more money. Here's the tech specs for it:
I would prefer a mostly metal case, as tempered glass is much heavier.
I DO NOT CARE ABOUT APPEARANCE. I would honestly prefer non-RGB options whenever available, but i don't care if they're there, i only care about performance.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: I just feel like it's time for an upgrade