Sudden freeze then blackscreen then artifacts while playing.


Aug 10, 2012
Was playing Skyrim when this happened, had to force shutdown cause the PC froze. When I turned it on again, it booted normally, I chose to start windows normally. Then I noticed small and thin lines/artifacts on the Starting Windows screen. When it reached the desktop it was a black screen with artifacts, the OS doesn't respond and you basically have to force shut down again.

I've tried uninstalling my display driver, and installing the latest stable drivers but the same thing happens. Tried re-seating my GPU, check the cables and all but nothing. I don't overclock , and I'm certain it's not overheating, my PC has good ventilation and I almost always play in an airconditioned room. Max temps under load is 85 degrees (I've been monitoring with Afterburner) My GPU is still under warranty, pretty sure this is a faulty card? Any advice on what I can still do before I get this RMA'd?

i5-3450 3.1ghz, Powercolor HD 7870 Myst Ed, 8GB RAM, SeaSonic S12II 620 Bronze 620W, MSI H61M-P31 (G3) Mobo

I do not think So Faulty Card,I think it is the problem of Motherboard 🙁

Right now, I took out my GPU and am using a DVI from my mobo to my monitor. Running fine on normal mode. Not sure if that means anything lol