Discussion Suggestion: Forum for showcasing member builds

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I'm a little surprised there's not a forum on here for members to post threads detailing their builds. It's common to see people link the PCPartPicker pages of their builds, in their sig. Why doesn't Toms have a dedicated forum for it?

One benefit is that you could search for a specific component and see builds using it. There might also be some useful comments about it.
Yeah, I was thinking like where each build would have its own thread.

I guess Necros would tend to be a problem, as people either update their build or others would have questions about some aspect, months or even years after it was posted. So, if you don't like necros, then I guess that would be a strike against it.

FWIW, I think Necro-posting is mostly just a user interface problem. It's just hard for me to believe that forum software hasn't devised decent solutions to that problem, by now. But, that's a whole other topic.
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