Survey Says Microsoft Winning Mac vs. PC Battle

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Its about time Microsoft made a good tv ad. Its good that they are hitting the fact that macs are overpriced, and that you pay more for the brand, than anything else.... way to go, in my opinion more competetive than mac ads.
Well considering it was the first Microsoft ad that did not bore the pants off me, it looks as though it has worked well. While the whole bickering between the two companies is more prevalent now that Microsoft is hitting back, the Mac ads have become increasingly juvenile and I think serious computer/notebook buyers are starting to cotton on to this. Will be interesting to see where the campaigns take us when Windows 7 is released.
I find the Mac vs PC debate entertaining.

I am currently using MS powered PC's. However, that would change if some company did it better and offered me better value. I would jump ship quick. I jumped from AMD to Intel with the release of C2D.

If someone proves me wrong.... and shows me better value somewhere else. I would appreciate it. I am a heavy HTPC user and avid gamer. These two things make earning my business very difficult for another company other than MS.

Mac users tend to be more enthusiastic about defending their buying decision. That is what I find funny.

If someone proved to me that I would be better served by another company for less money. I would thank them.

Being a fanboy or fanboi of any company is pretty stupid.

For the record, I have many hours on OSx. It is a pretty solid OS once you get used to it. I personally don't see any value in OSx over Vista or Win 7.
They really need to make a add saying the truth about OSX Apple lies about viruses and crashes all the time because ive used them a tiny bit for reports and stuff in the library, and they have crashes, and my friend trying to get illegal music, got a virus. Its all the same, Apple just lies.

I really dont like how hard macs are to use also, my friends ask ME all the time about macs when ive only used the a tiny bit, and they own them.
No doubt, PC is by far a better buy these days. I sold off two Mac's which I was becoming tired of all the Apple exclusive crap I was dealing with. Plus, the bottom line was Apple really does not offer much choice in laptops. I really wanted a Macbook with a 15" screen. Unfortunately I would have had to shell out $2000 for a Macbook Pro. Instead I bought a Lenovo and a Dell desktop for under $1400. Yea, I know Apple fans would say I bought cheaper and slower hardware. But to be honest it was all I needed. I don't hate Apple like some hate Microsoft or Dell or whatever. I just thought practically and decided PC has much more price choices.
When watching TV, I've seen tons of the Laptop Hunter commercials, but I've only seen a "I'm a Mac" commercial like once or twice during that same time-frame.
To the Editor:

After yet two more Apple bashing stories today ("Survey Says Microsoft Winning Mac vs. PC Battle" AND "Apple: Careful, Our Earbuds May Shock You"), I will not return to your website again. While I used to enjoy your site's informative articles on hardware, I'm tired of the anti-Apple slant of your featured stories (particularly the headlines which are designed to appeal to your obvious WinTel majority readers). After reading the phony spin of your "news" reports, I then move to the story comments where I have to read dozens of Microsoft fanboys rail against the Apple empire at about a 20:1 ratio. And now I'm about sick of it.

You, your website and your MS idiot fanboy readers can all kiss my as*. I hope Tom's Hardware dies a quick death and ends up in the Internet dustbin like all the other completely biased but now irrelevant websites.
Microsoft is fighting for Dell, HP, IBM, Acer, Lenovo, Samsung, Asus, MSI, Sony etc...

Its about time they did something for all those vendors they've been strangling all these years.
[citation][nom]sneakypete[/nom]To the Editor:After yet two more Apple bashing stories today ("Survey Says Microsoft Winning Mac vs. PC Battle" AND "Apple: Careful, Our Earbuds May Shock You"), I will not return to your website again. While I used to enjoy your site's informative articles on hardware, I'm tired of the anti-Apple slant of your featured stories (particularly the headlines which are designed to appeal to your obvious WinTel majority readers). After reading the phony spin of your "news" reports, I then move to the story comments where I have to read dozens of Microsoft fanboys rail against the Apple empire at about a 20:1 ratio. And now I'm about sick of it.You, your website and your MS idiot fanboy readers can all kiss my as*. I hope Tom's Hardware dies a quick death and ends up in the Internet dustbin like all the other completely biased but now irrelevant websites.[/citation]

sneakypete -

I'm not really sure what you're referring to in terms of "Apple bashing" since we didn't say anything to "bash" Apple. We just reported what's going on.

It's also ironic that you're accusing the editor (me) of bashing Apple and being anti-Apple, when I wrote this:,1985.html

Which was slammed by almost everyone who commented in the article.

For the record, I have a Mac, so the basis for your complaint is completely off.

/ Tuan
[citation][nom]sneakypete[/nom]To the Editor:After yet two more Apple bashing stories today ("Survey Says Microsoft Winning Mac vs. PC Battle" AND "Apple: Careful, Our Earbuds May Shock You"), I will not return to your website again. While I used to enjoy your site's informative articles on hardware, I'm tired of the anti-Apple slant of your featured stories (particularly the headlines which are designed to appeal to your obvious WinTel majority readers). After reading the phony spin of your "news" reports, I then move to the story comments where I have to read dozens of Microsoft fanboys rail against the Apple empire at about a 20:1 ratio. And now I'm about sick of it.You, your website and your MS idiot fanboy readers can all kiss my as*. I hope Tom's Hardware dies a quick death and ends up in the Internet dustbin like all the other completely biased but now irrelevant websites.[/citation]

This is a report of a study done by BrandIndex. Don't be a jerk...
I think the difference is due more to the "times" than the commercials; Macs are simply an expensive option right now.
I love my Mac, but if someone's strapped for cash & wants "bang for the buck", a PC is in my opinion a better option. I use my Mac for everything, and love it...but if you know what you're doing, you can get a LOT for your money by building your own PC. I had done that for almost 2 decades, and just didn't want to do it anymore...and honestly have fallen in love with the services Apple offers (MobileMe coupled with a Mac, PC, and an iPhone is an amazing combo)...but it's not for everyone -- at least when times a tough.
Tuan, Tuan, Tuan... It took 4-5 months for the inferno in the comments section of that article to die down and now you want to remind us about it?

Should have just let Sneakypete get modded down to -20 and not worry about it. Remember the rule: "Don't feed the trolls."
I am running Windows 7 RC on my 2008 MacBook Pro (dual-boot via Boot Camp), which I chose strictly on the merit of hardware components and I can tell you that no other laptop (and I had many, even a Voodoo Envy) ever ran this good and solid for me. Now that has to speak volumes in favor of effort on Microsoft's part to actually pull of an OS that runs just as good (and maybe even better) on competitor's custom-fitted hardware/software in a pre-release state... Can Apple claim the same...
...and to complete my point, especially since I mentioned that I use Apple hardware for its quality - while Apple is trying to lure you in to their "special HW/SW blend" (with a slew of its own problems mind you) and charge you arm and a leg for it, Microsoft is actually trying to give you the freedom to choose your components, which in the end is what's giving it the bad rep. See, the problem with Microsoft is not the software (although Windows has had it's share of embarassing technologies, but so did Apple), but the sea of cheap and crappy hardware and poorly written device drivers that it is trying to accomodate so you don't have to spend $2K to buy a laptop that serves your every day needs. Microsoft is actually making quite an effort, given that it is trying to pull behind it all the garbage hardware that is dragging it down, so when you compare the two, don't compare Apple to Microsoft, cause Microsoft Windows runs just fine on $2K worth of hand-picked quality components.
The quality arguements between Mac and PC are valid for the average buyer who doesn't know a whole lot about computers in general.

For a person who knows little of computers you're much more likely to luck out with a Mac than a PC. PC manufacturers range from very high quality to down right garbage, where as with a Mac you're basically guaranteed a certain level of quality no matter what you buy.

For experienced computer users however, I believe the majority of us are more than capable of picking and choosing a good quality system (or building our own from reputed good quality vendor components). Its for these users where Macs are really a tough sell, unless they have a very specific usage in mind.
I love my MacBook but it is almost 3 years old now and I'm going to be hard pressed to justify the now sizable difference in price between MacBooks and PC laptops when I buy a new one. Apple needs to start lowering their prices or they risk losing a lot of business.
[citation][nom]sneakypete[/nom]To the Editor:After yet two more Apple bashing stories today ("Survey Says Microsoft Winning Mac vs. PC Battle" AND "Apple: Careful, Our Earbuds May Shock You"), I will not return to your website again. While I used to enjoy your site's informative articles on hardware, I'm tired of the anti-Apple slant of your featured stories (particularly the headlines which are designed to appeal to your obvious WinTel majority readers). After reading the phony spin of your "news" reports, I then move to the story comments where I have to read dozens of Microsoft fanboys rail against the Apple empire at about a 20:1 ratio. And now I'm about sick of it.You, your website and your MS idiot fanboy readers can all kiss my as*. I hope Tom's Hardware dies a quick death and ends up in the Internet dustbin like all the other completely biased but now irrelevant websites.[/citation]

What an idiot... I've never seen any kind of flaming comment on TH directed toward an editor like this, even in Intel/AMD review articles. But at least the guy was a newb and not a long time TH registered member, according to his profile.

The TH community is much better off without this guy.
Just a little question: who funded this "survey"? It would be really relevant.
As usual, TH bends the way the wind is blowing... bringing more $$$. The idiotic add on the left side, which is stubbornly following around the page, is tale-telling.

[citation][nom]cruiseoveride[/nom]Microsoft is fighting for Dell, HP, IBM, Acer, Lenovo, Samsung, Asus, MSI, Sony etc...Its about time they did something for all those vendors they've been strangling all these years.[/citation]
They are fighting just for themselves. m$ won't give a $hit for any of those manufacturers, if they wouldn't bundle m$ crap.
[citation][nom]PanSola[/nom]When it comes to Mac vs PC, yeah a PC is usually cheaper.Especially if it comes with Linux instead of Windows.[/citation]


Screw paying for brands! That crap gets expensive.
If I want a box to run net and email, why pay for a OS?

Also a problem with mac being you can't just grab used cheap parts from eBay and throw it all together... first, there's the legal side of that, and hackintosh has compatibility issues.
Windows runs on almost everything. :)

I am a M$ fanboy however. I like how I paid for a dirt-cheap 4670 to make my computer again.
I do like Macintosh company, but their products just aren't for me.
Its nice to see the general public is starting to realise that buying a PC gives you both great price and performance. The debatable "style" of Apple products isnt a good enough selling point during the present tough economic climate.

With the upcoming much lauded windows 7 release, Apple execs must be really sweating.
[citation][nom]kami3k[/nom]Goodbye sneakypete, don't let the window hit your ass on your way out!So corny but I had to say it. Really sad when you two things, one get all upset and act like a bratty 2 year old and two, forget this site is mainly for PC enthusiasts.Go back to that shrine you have Apple now.[/citation]

Please don't let the door smack you in the ass on your way out....
I am a PC and Mac user. Both have there pros and cons for me, Macs biggest con being the cost, PCs biggest being stability issues. I cannot wait to use Windows 7, which i trust will have the least stability issues yet. I also cannot wait to use Snow Leopard.

Much agreed that apple needs to reduce costs, I dont know how I am going to upgrade to my next Apple notebook... (Ideas? Sell my car? Sell my house?)

Either way, im a great supporter of both platforms.
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