Survey Says Microsoft Winning Mac vs. PC Battle

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Apr 29, 2008
[citation][nom]firehazard[/nom]I am a PC and Mac user. Both have there pros and cons for me, Macs biggest con being the cost, PCs biggest being stability issues. I cannot wait to use Windows 7, which i trust will have the least stability issues yet. I also cannot wait to use Snow Leopard.Much agreed that apple needs to reduce costs, I dont know how I am going to upgrade to my next Apple notebook... (Ideas? Sell my car? Sell my house?)Either way, im a great supporter of both platforms.[/citation]
Your stability issues are worrying... you probably cheaped out on a component majorly... I even dropped my CPU (by accident) and my computer is really stable.


Feb 23, 2006
I find these statistics very amusing... it just like the political campaign previsions...
Anyway, i'm sure there's a huge market for both platforms which are great.
But, yes, Apple products are expensive but there are a lot of PC laptops much more expensive.


Jan 23, 2009
[citation][nom]outacontrolpimp[/nom]They really need to make a add saying the truth about OSX Apple lies about viruses and crashes all the time because ive used them a tiny bit for reports and stuff in the library, and they have crashes, and my friend trying to get illegal music, got a virus. Its all the same, Apple just lies. I really dont like how hard macs are to use also, my friends ask ME all the time about macs when ive only used the a tiny bit, and they own them.[/citation]
So you are basing your whole opinion based on using them a "tiny bit" in a library where who knows what the hell happens to them? I'm sure that if you use any computer in a lab/library etc it will have more issues just because there are a lot of people using them. I've never had any viruses or crashes. Not sure what the hell other people are doing.


Jan 23, 2009
[citation][nom]outacontrolpimp[/nom]They really need to make a add saying the truth about OSX Apple lies about viruses and crashes all the time because ive used them a tiny bit for reports and stuff in the library, and they have crashes, and my friend trying to get illegal music, got a virus. Its all the same, Apple just lies. I really dont like how hard macs are to use also, my friends ask ME all the time about macs when ive only used the a tiny bit, and they own them.[/citation]
Oh, and the virus thing when downloading illegal music...THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR DOING THAT SHIT.


Apr 7, 2006
The only reason why I don't switch to a Mac is I don't have $3K laying around. I record audio on my desktop and after upgrading the base model for a Mac, it ends up being $2800-$3000. For $1500, I can get a Dell with a quad-core, 4 gig ram, Vista 64bit, (2) 640 gig HD, a decent ATI video card, BluRay player/DVD recorder & a 23" lcd monitor. Good luck doing that for a Mac.

I really like Macs but they have to come down on their hardware prices.


Jan 16, 2004
PC is winning the Mac vs. PC Battle, not Microsoft. Microsoft does not "own" PCs. Sure, they give a little boost with their adds but I'm pretty sure PC can handle itself on it's own.

PCs will always be more populars than Macs (regardless of the OS). This is simply because they are more evolutive and customizable. However, Apple will always have a good share of the market because of the quality of their products, the ease of use and the great marketing.

The debate certainly won't end right there after my comment, that's one thing on which I'm sure we can all agree!


Aug 20, 2007
Yea I love how the switch ads made absolutely no mention of Vista. Like most people I'm very interested to see how the final build of Windows7 runs, particularly with gaming, 64 bit support, etc. I like OSX Tiger and Leopard. Both are very solid OSes with great shell support, and are quite stable. It is true that they do crash, but its typically applications within the OS environment, not the OS itself. The true advantage Apple has over Microsoft is that OSX is MUCH faster than Vista is, particularly with click response times, dragging icons, etc.


Jan 27, 2009
[citation][nom]zak_mckraken[/nom]Apple will always have a good share of the market because of the quality of their products, the ease of use and the great marketing.[/citation]

Less than 10% is not a good share of the market. :)

Thats also only in the US. Its less than 5% globally and thats likely to go down in the next year, with the current economic recession and the upcoming release of Windows 7.


Jan 14, 2009
MS should launch an ad with someone opening (showing the parts) an apple macbook and one notebook of a similar specs or similar price range. Just like those "Mastercard" ads stating the cost of each part.

Same specs ad:
- Mobo: $200
- Proc: $125
- Mem: $80
- DVD: $30
- LCD: $180
- Total cost: XXXX.
- Why pay YYYY more for the same?
- Why pay YYYY more for less?



Feb 23, 2009
Hmm aren't there some sort of crimes these guys should be solving as well... oh man or maybe answer the never ending question that has been bugging us for years, which is the more economical choice, Hyundai or Honda.


Jan 16, 2004
[citation][nom]Powersworder[/nom]Less than 10% is not a good share of the market.[/citation]

Apple is one company while PCs are countless companies. In 2008, they sold more laptops than IBM, Lenovo, Sony and Acer. So, by comparison to other computer manufacturers, they do have a good share of the market even though the Mac platform is not widely used.

As for the future, only time will tell! Maybe they'll finaly begin to share their profits with the customers by lowering the price of their toys. I'm not sure Win7 will have a big impact on Mac users. As a former reseller, I can tell that the mac fans will stay with Apple while PC fans will obviously stay with Windows, Win7 or not. The only people that might be affected would be the newcomers to the computer world and these people usually go for PC anyway.


Feb 23, 2009
[citation][nom]powerbaselx[/nom]Nevertheless, Apple products are great whatever the stats says.[/citation]
Yep, this survey says nothing but tells you what all the sheep are being herded to... Most people without money are going to get a PC either way. And that's fine because I get paid to fix PC's.


Apr 27, 2009
[citation][nom]Tedders[/nom]Oh, and the virus thing when downloading illegal music...THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR DOING THAT SHIT.[/citation]

Lol, that's true. But you missed the whole point. Apple is supposed to have close to no viruses. Meaning that if viruses have found a way to penetrate the OS, Apple's whole Image is in jeopardy. They have based it off of two things. Security and almost no stability issues. Take one out and you kill half their selling point.


Jan 27, 2009
[citation][nom]zak_mckraken[/nom]Apple is one company while PCs are countless companies. In 2008, they sold more laptops than IBM, Lenovo, Sony and Acer.[/citation]

What about desktops?

So, by comparison to other computer manufacturers, they do have a good share of the laptop market even though the Mac platform is not widely used.[/citation]

Bolded was mine.

As for the future, only time will tell! Maybe they'll finaly begin to share their profits with the customers by lowering the price of their toys. I'm not sure Win7 will have a big impact on Mac users. As a former reseller, I can tell that the mac fans will stay with Apple while PC fans will obviously stay with Windows, Win7 or not. The only people that might be affected would be the newcomers to the computer world and these people usually go for PC anyway.[/citation]

I agree that Windows 7 is unlikely to sway Mac fans. However, Vista was pretty disastrous for Microsoft, with terrible press right from the start. The best that Apple was able to do, was grow their O/S market share by about 2% in that time.

Both Apple and now Microsoft are going after novice/new buyers with their advertising campaigns. With Windows 7 getting such a good reception, I think new buyers are going to be even more swayed to buy a MS based pc, considering the already massive price difference for essentially the same hardware.

Remember that the only reason Apple still exists today is because MS bailed them out in 1997. They only did this to avoid anti-trust issues by retaining a weak competitor. Im convinced that this is why Microsoft has taken so long to respond to the ridiculous Apple ads. Even saying that, their response has been pretty mild. You can bet that if Microsoft considered Apple to be a real threat, they would be far more aggressive in their advertising.


Jan 16, 2004
[citation][nom]Powersworder[/nom]What about desktops?

While I didn't find an exhaustive chart, here's a quote from a Macworld article (the big line is : they're fourth):

"HP, the PC shipment leader saw its market share rise from 23.8 percent in 2008 to 27.6 percent in 2009, with shipments going from almost 3.7 million to just over 4.1 million. Rival Dell saw its shipments fall from almost 4.7 million to 3.9 million as its market share fell four points to 26.3 percent.

Apple finds itself in fourth place for both market share and shipments of computers in 2009, which didn't change from 2008. HP leads the way, with Dell following close behind. Acer is one spot ahead of Apple with 10.5 percent market share."

[citation][nom]Powersworder[/nom]Remember that the only reason Apple still exists today is because MS bailed them out in 1997. They only did this to avoid anti-trust issues by retaining a weak competitor. Im convinced that this is why Microsoft has taken so long to respond to the ridiculous Apple ads.[/citation]

Wouldn't it have made more sense if Microsoft would have "thrown the first stone" with the silly ads? After all, they're the ones who sank $150mil in the other's company. Why would Apple bite the hands that feed them?


May 4, 2006
You have to wonder, though at these people. I mean Vista/Windows 7 systems are obviously the more full featured and capable choice than Macs (gaming, price, better software, etc...), but they need some ad with some dude named Giampaolo to convince them of it? I worry about mankind sometimes...


Jan 27, 2009
[citation][nom]zak_mckraken[/nom]Acer is one spot ahead of Apple with 10.5 percent market share."[/citation]
Yes exactly. Desktops make up a huge proportion of the computer market, and Apple has a very small overall market share.

Apple has 7.4% of the US market and (its not listed) but actually 4.3% of the global PC market.

Thats pitiful!

Wouldn't it have made more sense if Microsoft would have "thrown the first stone" with the silly ads? After all, they're the ones who sank $150mil in the other's company. Why would Apple bite the hands that feed them?[/citation]
$150mil is pocket change to Microsoft. Remember earlier you were talking about PC hardware manufacturers. In terms of anti-trust issues, Microsoft needs to worry about the OS market share, not the hardware market. If Apple started struggling again, you can bet MS would be there with another bail out.

It would make no sense for MS to destroy Apple, thats why theyve taken so long to respond to the apple baiting and as I said before, these adverts are pretty mild compared to the direct Apple attacks.

Just think how ruthless MS was with the whole browser wars. They crushed netscape navigator and established 'Internet Explorer' dominance. If Apple became a significant threat in the OS market, you can bet MS would start playing hardball.


Apr 16, 2008
I've given up on talking to you guys... too dumb...

Instead of commenting on your comments I just want to tell you guys your idiots. Someone should take a clamp to your brain and open it up, because it appears to be closed.


Apr 16, 2008
grrr why can't i leave your comments alone... one guy said macs are communist and linux and windows is captalist. Linux is communitist you idiot.

Also most things tech theoretically work unlike politics and communism is amazingly theoretically.

Of course this is all just hypothetical.


Apr 16, 2008
also the laptop hunter commercials aren't "pretty mild" compared to the apple commercials.

Microsoft made up fake examples of people buying laptops, made sneaky comparisons, and repeatidly said macs were too expensive. That's like throwing dirt in someones eye then stabbing their jugular; as the macs biggest weakness is that they have no very low price point. That is not mild.

The mac commercials joke about the windows operating system. The support was based off honest comparisons.

Can you say the same about the laptop hunter commercials? Comparing the macbook pro's price with the dell xps's? The macbook pro has a 9400m and a 9600gt, the xps has a 9400m. The specs of the macbook are scarily close to the xps so why didn't they compare it to that?

BECAUSE IT'S MICROSOFT! I'm wonder if some cigarette company higher ups sit in the committee for Microsoft, 'cause Microsoft has absolutely no morals... then again the founder is a cheat who took credit for someone elses product so I don't expect a lot.

I believe my words to be fair, and I'm writing this on Windows 7 right now... but here's to hoping unix based OS's bury Windows some day and take down Microsoft.

Microsoft has too much money...

Long Live Unix! ;)


Jan 27, 2009
[citation][nom]funkjunky[/nom]repeatidly said macs were too expensive.[/citation]
They are though. You pay a big price premium for Apple products and theres nothing special about them since the swap to Intel, you are buying the exact same hardware at a big markup.

The mac commercials joke about the windows operating system. The support was based off honest comparisons.[/citation]
The Apple commercials are completely misleading. Their claims about virus immunity imply thats its because OSX is more secure, when in fact its the least secure OS. No malware writers give a crap about Apple because its got such a pitiful market share. If the Apple userbase ever did grow to any kind of significant size, it would be absolutely crippled by malware as the Apple developers are way behind the other OS dev teams in securing their OS.

The brand message of the Apple ads is that Apple users are cool and fun, and that PC users are boring accountants. Everything an apple user can do with photo and video editing can be done on a PC, but PCs totally own Apple in the gaming market. The hilarious thing is that Apple users have to bootcamp windows to be able to play last years games. The Mac graphic card support is such junk that they cant even play all the modern games a PC user can, and Apple users paid more money for this!

I honestly dont understand why people use Macs. They are buying overpriced, inferior hardware that doesnt even have the full capabilities you can utilise in a PC. Paying more for less has never been my thing, but I guess having some fruit logo on an inferior computer is worth the huge price hike.


When you read the title you know what is in the article. I have both iMacs and dell computers, the person writing the article is providing good info. If you don't like the info, don't bash the person, ask Apple why if they have a closed market for all intents can't they lower the prices and get the iPhone on Verizon NOW!
Simply, read articles that make you happy, don't click on links that you deem to have bad news on them. It is like the old saying, Don't ask the question if you don't want to hear the answer.
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