Sys-tray progs & icons



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

Using XP home.

When I start up the computer, the items that I expect to appear in the sys
tray aren't always there. For example, the icons for the wireless mouse &
keyboard sometimes don't appear, yet the the hardware is working OK.
Sometimes my scanner icons aren't there, yet the scanner works OK.

Once in a while, the desktop resets itself for no apparent reason, and after
that, most of the sys tray icons vanish, yet the programs they relate to
seem to be running.

I regularly scan for virus/ad & spyware etc, but nothing untoward is

It's more of an annoyance than a serious problem, but if anyone has any
thoughts as to how to put it right, I'd like to hear them.



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

Do you see the left pointing chevron to the left of the clock on the right
side of the taskbar? Pointing to that will cause the hidden icons to appear
briefly. The least frequently accessed programs are hidden to save space on
the taskbar, but you can change this by right clicking on the taskbar,
choosing Properties, selecting the Taskbar tab, and unchecking the bottom
box, "Hide inactive icons."

"Dave S." <> wrote in message
> Using XP home.
> When I start up the computer, the items that I expect to appear in the sys
> tray aren't always there. For example, the icons for the wireless mouse &
> keyboard sometimes don't appear, yet the the hardware is working OK.
> Sometimes my scanner icons aren't there, yet the scanner works OK.
> Once in a while, the desktop resets itself for no apparent reason, and
> after
> that, most of the sys tray icons vanish, yet the programs they relate to
> seem to be running.
> I regularly scan for virus/ad & spyware etc, but nothing untoward is
> indictaed.
> It's more of an annoyance than a serious problem, but if anyone has any
> thoughts as to how to put it right, I'd like to hear them.
> Cheers


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

I was amused in writing the above post that OE's spellchecker flagged
"unchecking" as unknown and offered "upchucking" as a correction. Is
upchucking more common among computer users than unchecking a box? As in,
(paraphrasing the sea chanty) "What shall we do with the drunken

"Dave S." <> wrote in message
> Using XP home.
> When I start up the computer, the items that I expect to appear in the sys
> tray aren't always there. For example, the icons for the wireless mouse &
> keyboard sometimes don't appear, yet the the hardware is working OK.
> Sometimes my scanner icons aren't there, yet the scanner works OK.
> Once in a while, the desktop resets itself for no apparent reason, and
> after
> that, most of the sys tray icons vanish, yet the programs they relate to
> seem to be running.
> I regularly scan for virus/ad & spyware etc, but nothing untoward is
> indictaed.
> It's more of an annoyance than a serious problem, but if anyone has any
> thoughts as to how to put it right, I'd like to hear them.
> Cheers


Apr 5, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

I have the same effect but I have no little chevron and all
of the icons in the taskbar are enabled. (Right click on
taskbar, select properties, customize and then set all to
"always show"). What happens is there's a randomness about
which ones show. Some show briefly and then disappear.
>-----Original Message-----
>Do you see the left pointing chevron to the left of the
clock on the right
>side of the taskbar? Pointing to that will cause the
hidden icons to appear
>briefly. The least frequently accessed programs are
hidden to save space on
>the taskbar, but you can change this by right clicking on
the taskbar,
>choosing Properties, selecting the Taskbar tab, and
unchecking the bottom
>box, "Hide inactive icons."
>"Dave S." <> wrote in message
>> Using XP home.
>> When I start up the computer, the items that I expect to
appear in the sys
>> tray aren't always there. For example, the icons for the
wireless mouse &
>> keyboard sometimes don't appear, yet the the hardware is
working OK.
>> Sometimes my scanner icons aren't there, yet the scanner
works OK.
>> Once in a while, the desktop resets itself for no
apparent reason, and
>> after
>> that, most of the sys tray icons vanish, yet the
programs they relate to
>> seem to be running.
>> I regularly scan for virus/ad & spyware etc, but nothing
untoward is
>> indictaed.
>> It's more of an annoyance than a serious problem, but if
anyone has any
>> thoughts as to how to put it right, I'd like to hear them.
>> Cheers


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

"Ian" <> wrote in message
> I have the same effect but I have no little chevron and all
> of the icons in the taskbar are enabled. (Right click on
> taskbar, select properties, customize and then set all to
> "always show"). What happens is there's a randomness about
> which ones show. Some show briefly and then disappear.
> >-----Original Message-----
> >Do you see the left pointing chevron to the left of the
> clock on the right
> >side of the taskbar? Pointing to that will cause the
> hidden icons to appear
> >briefly. The least frequently accessed programs are
> hidden to save space on
> >the taskbar, but you can change this by right clicking on
> the taskbar,
> >choosing Properties, selecting the Taskbar tab, and
> unchecking the bottom
> >box, "Hide inactive icons."
> >

Same here. The little chevron only appears if you select "hide inactive
icons", and I do not use that setting.
Each time I reboot, the sys tray icons that appear seems to be random, both
in number and identity, yet the programs the missing ones represent seem to
be running OK.

Very strange!

Dave S.