"HI crashman.What I meant was, the whole thing was a total waste of time. When a TOTAL and COMPLETE shift in graphics cards comes out about 2 weeks ago, and it was published the last 3 days, there is no excuse, whatsoever for not including it. So delay the thing 2 more days. No big deal.Total waste of time"
what's wrong with this reasoning?
I would have to say why bother buying anything new. why did i buy a p2 then p4 then core 2? I knew that in a years time there would be better everything, relative to the older? the iron axe is better than a rock one? lmao why did they make them? why not wait three days?
this is so funny? why didn't they wait three days to include the newest greatest item? Well, let me tell you why. 1.) there is the deadline, i am not going to go to the boss and say can we postpone this article so i can add new specs? thats for next issue, when they have more than one reader who smuggles the latest from where ever. this article is for those who have such technology. the casual reader, the beginner or someone other than hardcore techs.
and besides anyone who building and overclockin they already have their pride. their not gonna wait for someones published media to me how to build that overclock
these articles are really just to reaffirm their builds, the more articles you have that promotes your builds is gonna boost my ego and brag rights.
i guess this sort of point of view makes no sense whatsoever. why did i study computers in high school, why did i? because. I want to? because, i could, for that matter why in grade school did i have to sit in front of a machine that i don't even consider to be a computer and stick a "real" floppy and run an educational program.
heres thereal kicker, why put the latest vid card into the build when i know and anyone else knows that the newest motherboard or quint-core gonna come out 6-12 months later. because people don't wait for the next best thing before they decide to buy it, they want the best now.
I was being told in grade 7 that computers are the next great thing. I didn't wait until 2004 because i thought well why study this in 1984 when if i just wait three days or months or years i will learn something better.
I was there when Commodore 64 , and collecovisions "tennis" blew my mind, then atari (first console i actually did not have to go to a friends to play)
if you wait three days for on item then you have to do it for all new components and the ur caught in that cycle, cause these writers and reviewers would be waiting for ever.
I could go on for ever trying to correct that notion that eventually i would have wasted my entire life.
why am i wasting my time even commenting about your comment? why? by now you probably realize the absurdity of this obnoxious statement, and to open your comment with this attack.
why go to work today when you know in six months the union gonna get a new contract with your new hourly wage?