System doesnt read memory slot 2


Oct 7, 2017
Hi guys, im really confused right now. A few days ago I bought 2 GB DDR2 RAM and I tried to install it on my computer, so i had 1GB and 2GB in my memory slots at the same time. According to the CPU-G, those sticks were identical, but for some reason I faced a problem with wireless adapter - whether I plug 3GB RAM in my PC, adapter cannot start. But if I have one stick plugged in, it would work. So i decided to leave 2gb there and use the computer with working wifi adapter until I get a new one. So today I took that wifi adapter out, plugged that extra RAM stick in and guess what - system detects nothing in Memory slot 2. Tried to reboot, swap sticks in memory slots and only the first slot gets detected by the system. I did reset BIOS to both fail-safe and optimized default, but nothing helped. Any ideas? I think the motherboard might be damaged in some way because it is a really old computer. But then the question is why the system recognised RAMS two days ago and now it doesnt?