System Hang


Dec 4, 2008
I recently decided to raise the frequency on my OLD Athlon 3700+ (San Diego, 1MB L2, 2.2Ghz) and I successfully overclocked it by 600MHz to 2805MHz~, not trying to go any further.

I'm running at a multiplier of 11, with Bus Speed at 255MHz. I lowered the HTT (LDT) Link Multiplier to x4, and Memory Frequency at 166MHz (which is now at 200MHz from Bus Speed increases). Voltage is at 1.5v, which goes the same for the chipset voltage.

Now the problem is my system hangs when I transcode video in Nero Vision (which worked fine before this additional overclock [I went from 2310 -> 2805]). After around 7 minutes, my computer just freezes on one frame and is unresponsive. This is unusual because I ran Prime95 for near 5 hours with no errors or warnings, and have been using the computer to play games fine.

My CPU temperature is ~30C at idle, and ~40C at load, which seem very reasonable to me. I doubt it has to do with northbridge heat, because it was much hotter before I aimed a fan at it. And, my HDD temperature is at ~40C.

My board and memory are fine, as I ran the HTT Link at 1.2GHz stable once, and memory at 210 MHz 24/7.

This problem also seems to happen when Rosetta@Home is active, sometimes (not too frequent though).

Any ideas? ;/
Never seemed to affect me before, and I've authored and transcoded A LOT with Nero Vision. I haven't changed anything except my clock since last doing it either.
You overclocked your CPU, thats why is hanging, not only in Nero but on every application that full load your system.
The problem might not be temperature, its hard to explain, temperature is not the only problem when overclocking. It goes like this.:
Rising the clock speed will make things faster since transitions from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 will be faster, meaning it may occur more offen and so the processor might goes faster, but there is a limit of how fast a 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 transition can occur and that have to do with the chip's lithograpy and architeture - an old processor will not be so efficient like a modern one in this matter so u will experience problems if u raise the clock speed above its normal especification and thats why modern processors overclock a lot better then old ones. Cooling helps here BUT extreme cooling.

Sry for the crap english.

I did run Prime95 for additional time, and it still showed nothing at all. Also, MemTest wouldn't apply here, because I used to run my memory at tighter timings and at a higher frequency before on the same system while transcoding--worked fine.

You overclocked your CPU, thats why is hanging, not only in Nero but on every application that full load your system.
Nope, Prime95 is a causes 100% CPU Usage, but it doesn't hang there. And, I've used many demanding applications since (random load, consistent).
I assumed u knew that full load your system means load it as Nero, perhaps nero hangs due a specifc kind of instruction that getts corrupted if your processor is overclocked (then u should try another version of Nero, might work).
Prime95 is a very specific stability test, it performs math operations with large integers, nero is a software writen in high end language that takes use of complex instructions and I/O functions plus many commands in machine language - you also should make sure that the P95 version u are running match your needs (windows 64 Bits -> p95 64 Bits) - also, there is no way to guaratee full stability, a 6 hours sucefully test with P95 blend test will raise the chances but doesnt discards a lot of other minor stability issues.
This is an exact science, there is no magic here dont matter how much u try to find it.....think about it, u never had problems before overclocking, overclocking will bring you the problem, going back fixes the problem....not hard to guess.

I had a simillar problem once, I had to change the software, I downgraded version and it worked - like I said in the beggining u should try a different version of Nero.