system won't boot, alternates between trying to start up, then shuts down


Aug 12, 2006

EVGA Supernova 750 G2 power supply
Intel I7 5820K
Samsung V NAND 950 Pro M.2
Ripjaws 4 DDR 4 memory
ASRock X99 Xtreme 4 MB

I was surfing the internet, then the computer just completely shut down without warning. When I tried to turn the computer back on with the power button, the computer alternates between trying to boot up for about 1 or 2 seconds, then shuts down for 1 or 2 seconds, then tries to restart for 1 or 2 seconds, then shuts down for 1 or 2 seconds, and keeps doing this until I turn the power supply off. I can hear a relay clicking within the PSU when it tries to start up and shut down. That may be normal but not sure.

Other than normal Windows 10 updates, driver updates, etc., I haven't done anything to the computer to change it, and it has been operating perfectly for several months since my build.

I tried replacing the MB battery and reseating the MB and CPU power supply with no luck.

Where do I begin with this????

Thanks for your help in advace!

After you unplug it, does it then start up normally? If so, unplug it now, boot into BIOS setup and keep an eye on the CPU temperature. If you can do this, please reply with the highest temperature you see after watching for five minutes.

Also, are you running the most recent BIOS for your board?

Thanks for the help.

I can't even get the computer to post. When I turn the power button on, the rig goes immediately into this on/off cycle as mentioned above.

I bought this MB several months ago when I built this machine. I doubt I am running the most recent bios as I assume that something newer must have come out in the past several months, but not sure.


OK, will do and report back, thanks for the advice.


Reseated the 4 RAM sticks and the CPU and put new paste on. Still same problem : (


OK, now I got it to boot. I went immediately to BIOS and let the computer sit at the BIOS screens for 5 minutes. CPU temperature 35.5C, MB temperature 39C.

I got the computer to boot by unplugging the modular cord (correct terminology?) that plugs into the back of the power supply and plugging it back into the power supply AFTER unseating and reseating the RAM and CPU. But now, I'm noticing that the BIOS is only recognizing 2 sticks of my RAM (2 x 4GB) when I actually have 16GB.

And now it's doing the 2 second boot/shutdown again : (

This is really weird. Bad RAM??????

Take out the two sticks that don't appear to be working. Next, move the two that appear to be working correctly into the slots where the two that didn't appear to be working were. If this yields the motherboard finding only one or not finding any at all, then I'd have to say that you have a bad motherboard. Sadly, X99 boards are plagued with issues.

I'm playing with various combinations of two sticks of RAM. It "looks" like it is booting to Windows, then I get a "stopcode bug code USB driver." Trying to figure that one out.......But I can get to BIOS now.


I can't even get it to post now. I've numbered the 4 RAM sticks. I'm using 2 at a time and keeping track of which RAM sticks work (system would at least post) and which do nothing. I got 2 sticks to get it to post and sorta boot into Windows 10, but now I can't get the system to post at all no matter which 2 I use. Monitor doesn't even leave standby mode : (

I did unplug the 2 USB things I had plugged in, with now just keyboard and mouse plugged in. Can't get it to post : (

Any other ideas? I'm lost. Never had a computer suddenly "just quit" on me.

BTW, thanks for your continued help.


If you're still around, I replaced my 750W power supply with another one I had that I know works. When I power the computer up, it does the same thing, so I'm assuming a bad MB now?

I'm still around. I have a business to run and an elderly grandfather to take care of, so I can't be online for more than a few hours before I go to bed.

Now that you've been playing with the RAM, please do another CMOS reset. Although I can't guarantee that this will help you, it's still worth a shot. If nothing appears to change, I would say that the motherboard has died. Do you have a warranty on the board?

No worries weberdarren97! Some things are far more important than computers. I appreciate the time you have given me.

I'll try another CMOS reset. I just have to read the manual to figure out how to do it.

Yes, the MB is under warranty still as it is only 8 months old. However, I just ordered a new one as I don't have time to go through the lengthy RMA process. There will be a re manufactured X99 on eBay when ASRock gets it back to me repaired : )


If it was a more stable model, I might hit you up on that. Sadly, I have no use for an X99 board that's not stable in its default configuration.
For a CMOS reset, ignore the manual. They usually skip the step where you drain the power. Now if you touch a charged cap on the board without having drained the power, you could get quiet a jolt.

How to do a CMOS clear, universal procedure:
1) Shut down the machine and unplug it.
2) Press and hold the power button for three seconds to drain all remaining power.
3) Remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard.
4) Get a snack.
5) After at least five minutes have passed, put the battery back into the board.
6) Done.

I first did all the resets per the manual instructions- CMOS button reset first, jumpers second. Then I tried BIOS B with the jumpers. No changes in computer behavior- same on/off problem.

Then I followed your steps and it appeared promising when I initially powered on........for 10 seconds. The system powered up, fans were spinning, but that's it. No post : ( When I shut down and powered up again, it returned to that on/off cycle.


Sounds like your BIOS is corrupt. Unfortunately, this cannot be corrected without being able to get into BIOS setup to update BIOS. Since you can't do that, this is essentially a dead motherboard.

Thanks weberdarren97. The new MB should arrive midweek, Thursday at the latest. I'll report back when it's installed. Hopefully the new MB fixes this problem.


I am thoroughly and utterly confused now.......hopefully you're still around.......

Came back home today, installed new motherboard. When I initially turned the system on, it sounded promising, and I'm no longer getting the alternating on off, but nothing happens. The fans run, there's some hard drive activity, but the monitor doesn't even come out of standby.

Thought maybe it was the video card, so I pulled my video card and replaced it with my son's, still nothing.

Not sure where to go from here.......any ideas?

Begin with this. Don't skip any step. Literally take everyuthing out:

Then check this out:

This may be ludicrous, but it sounds to me like you didn't properly install teh motherboard standoffs(either by not using any or leaving one in that shouldn't be there). Don't be offended, i've seen this before. Anyway, benching it should show what's what.

I have a new CPU arriving today. If that doesn't fix it, I will follow the steps in the two links. Not offended by the MB standoff thing. I definitely have standoffs but maybe there's one out of place and will double check.

Will report back one way or the other!


OK, put a brand new CPU in, same thing- powers up, fans spin, LEDs on, but that's it. No post to BIOS. Have to leave town for a few days so don't have the time right now to follow the multiple steps in the links above, but will when I get home early next week. Hopefully you guys will still be around......Have a good weekend


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