Question taking some components out of my prebuilt computer and upgrading

Sep 27, 2022
currently i have a prebuild HP Pavilon desktop with these specs:
CPU: i7 8700
GPU: 1060ti 3gb
PSU: 400W

I have recently bought a 3060ti which i want to replace the 1060ti with, which would also require a PSU upgrade and case upgrade since the prebuilt case is so compact. After buying a 650 Watt PSU and a NZXT h510 case, i realized upgrading the motherboard would also be required since the existing HP motherboard is so limited as to what i can upgrade.

here's the motherboard i bought:

Now here's my question: can I take the CPU out of the prebuilt and put it into a new motherboard or is the CPU somehow locked by HP or something that I should be aware of before trying? Thanks.
To my knolwedge* only Lenovo is locking recent AMD chips. You should* be fine to transfer your CPU to the new mobo.

Too bad you had to essentially replace the entire system in this "upgrade". Probably would've been better to sell the complete HP system as a working unit to free you from the CPU limitation.
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