Task Manager



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin (More info?)

My task manager says that my task manager has been disabled by my
administrator.I am the local administrator on this machine. Any help on
fixing this would be greatly appreciated.

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin (More info?)

See www.dougknox.com, Win XP Utilities, Enable/Disable Task Manager.

Doug Knox, MS-MVP Windows Media Center\Windows Powered Smart Display\Security
Win 95/98/Me/XP Tweaks and Fixes
Per user Group Policy Restrictions for XP Home and XP Pro
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"Tom G" <TomG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message news:5D41EC32-C3BF-4DF2-8CDE-2921DFD1A0FF@microsoft.com...
> My task manager says that my task manager has been disabled by my
> administrator.I am the local administrator on this machine. Any help on
> fixing this would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks