Guess I'm shocked at the relative lack of community spirit. I thought there were lots of people at toms with the ability to put some of their computing power too good use.
<b>__Us-></b><A HREF="http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_overtake.php?s=&t=40051&p=8" target="_new">http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_overtake.php?s=&t=40051&p=8</A>
<b>Them-></b><A HREF="http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_overtake.php?s=&t=40051&p=1 " target="_new">http:// folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_overtake.php?s=&t=40051&p=1 </A>
Seems other people/sites hold that claim.
"priyajeet" started a team to do protein folding for humanities benefit for this community. We're team 40051 at <A HREF="http://folding.stanford.edu " target="_new">http://folding.stanford.edu </A> and we could use a little of your help.
Since I joined two weeks ago we have dropped from being over 1000th in team stats to under 800. With only 25 people we have a pretty good overtake velocity for the moment and will probably end up under 300 in the team standings.
Still that feels disgraceful. I feel like moving to [H]ardOcp.
P.S. You can help us out. Donate just a unit or two of work. It's for a good cause.
<A HREF="http://folding.stanford.edu " target="_new">http://folding.stanford.edu </A> Team 40051
The loving are the daring!<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Flinx on 12/03/04 08:27 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
Guess I'm shocked at the relative lack of community spirit. I thought there were lots of people at toms with the ability to put some of their computing power too good use.
<b>__Us-></b><A HREF="http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_overtake.php?s=&t=40051&p=8" target="_new">http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_overtake.php?s=&t=40051&p=8</A>
<b>Them-></b><A HREF="http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_overtake.php?s=&t=40051&p=1 " target="_new">http:// folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_overtake.php?s=&t=40051&p=1 </A>
Seems other people/sites hold that claim.
"priyajeet" started a team to do protein folding for humanities benefit for this community. We're team 40051 at <A HREF="http://folding.stanford.edu " target="_new">http://folding.stanford.edu </A> and we could use a little of your help.
Since I joined two weeks ago we have dropped from being over 1000th in team stats to under 800. With only 25 people we have a pretty good overtake velocity for the moment and will probably end up under 300 in the team standings.
Still that feels disgraceful. I feel like moving to [H]ardOcp.
P.S. You can help us out. Donate just a unit or two of work. It's for a good cause.
<A HREF="http://folding.stanford.edu " target="_new">http://folding.stanford.edu </A> Team 40051
The loving are the daring!<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Flinx on 12/03/04 08:27 PM.</EM></FONT></P>