no they are not, I used older swiftech blocks to test how the TEC functions.
I needed high flow blocks, for my test build, because it was a serial design, on both the hot side, and the cold side, as I was only using one TEC.
on my serial vs parallel, what I tried to show, is that with the same hardware, I could achieve almost twice the cooling ability by paralleling the system.
the same applies here, I can collect almost twice the amount of coldness produced by the TEC's, by paralleling the loop, when compered to what a serial configuration of the same hardware could do.
this is why people call BS on my parallel setup, so what, that is there issue, not mine, I did not do it to cause issues, I did it because I knew that my system could cool better, If I got the design of the system correct to get the most out of the radiators as possible, if others would like there system to cool a little better, maybe one day they will give it a try, and see for themselves that it does work exactly as I have shown.