2023 - the year walking simulators worked out to sell well, you just have to have really pretty graphics.. Alan Wake 2 & Now this.
That doesn't really make sense. Sure, the RTX 4090 is over a year old but it's still the fastest gaming card that money can buy. I was using it as a case-in-point because if it can't run properly on an RTX 4090, then it can't run properly on anything.The 4090 is now over a year old. Yeah, its expensive, but the developers probably expected the 5xxx series to be out by now. Or some kind of stopgap upgrade.
Difficult to tell, eh? 😉😊Erm... you can choose to play as a male Na'vi. And you can choose what voice it should use. At least, I'm pretty sure those were options at one point, and I'm pretty sure my character is a male Na'vi.
That doesn't really make sense. Sure, the RTX 4090 is over a year old but it's still the fastest gaming card that money can buy. I was using it as a case-in-point because if it can't run properly on an RTX 4090, then it can't run properly on anything.
If the RTX 4090 isn't enough, then nothing is and the game is broken.
That doesn't really make sense. Sure, the RTX 4090 is over a year old but it's still the fastest gaming card that money can buy. I was using it as a case-in-point because if it can't run properly on an RTX 4090, then it can't run properly on anything.
If the RTX 4090 isn't enough, then nothing is and the game is broken.
Well, if the game entered development when the RTX 2080 was #1, they should've set the game up to require no more than that at 1440p. Some would say that the fact they didn't means this is a case of dev laziness but I don't think that's what happened. From what I've seen the root cause of pretty much everything that goes wrong with media releases is some clueless executive suit making a bad decision to try and cut costs. I've seen it in video games, movies, TV shows and printed content. The people who are knowledgeable and have passion are almost never the ones put in charge. The companies that do put people with knowledge and passion in charge benefit greatly from that decision.When the game entered development the 2080 was the king of the hill. Devs plan for the highest settings based on what they think will be the hardware at the time of release.
Because of the pandemic, the GPU timelines got messed up. We probably should have had a 4090ti or 5xxx series already released or in the very near future in the case of the latter.