CooLWoLF :
Wow that's really impressive! Anytime I have seen someone get a ~5ghz overclock its at or close to 1.5v.
my buddy had his fx6300 up over 5.0 without touching his vcore... crazy awesome chip. ended up clocking it up to an everyday 5.6ghz.
but yeah... 1.4 seems high for 4.4... but then not everyone wins the cpu lottery. there are fx chips which can barely clock past 4.5.
OP, i would suggest you look into aftermarket heatsinks for your VRM / Power Phase system... it's a cheap solution to help you stabalize your overclock. I also found AMD cpus can be "brute forced" into stability by throwing vcore at it, which might be what you're doing. you might be covering up an undervolted or too slow northbridge with your vcore. Look into clocking up the northbridge a bit, and see if that stabilizes your overclock without touching the vcore.