Question tests in hdd


Sep 3, 2020
Please keep it to 1 thread.
1) Does any software test show whether the HDD is new or used and whether the firmware/bios has been changed by someone?

2) What software test on HDD is good to identify whether it is in good condition?
You didn't specify any OS. However if the computer in question doesn't have a working OS then there is still possible to check status of the storage devices that is connected inside. In general, this is my suggestion in that situation:

Linux Live iso - an Iso image that is bootable into a working desktop environoment, but without installing (that is optional).
  • Most Linux images have this app called Gnome Disks, most often just referred to as "Disks" in the menus. You will find this application in Linux Mint, Fedora, Ubuntu - as an example.
  • However in MX Linux, you will find the tool gsmartcontrol that have better capabilities if you want to copy/paste text to an online forum.
Years ago, I also tend to use the UBC <link> for various tasks, but the project isn't being updated since 2020 so I don't know how useful this is on most modern computer hardware.
the Health Status results are shown in Cristaldiskinfo enough to determine whether an HDD is good or bad without the need for a long scan surface?
the Health Status results are shown in Cristaldiskinfo enough to determine whether an HDD is good or bad without the need for a long scan surface?
Are the replies in your previous thread insufficient?
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Is only the health report like crystaldiskinfo enough to determine the status of the hdd? No deep scan is required?
Obsessing over "drive health" is bad for both you and the drive.

The 2 key things you want/need are backups and warranty.

As has been said to you many many many times...any drive, of any type, is subject to die at any moment.
Even one that tested full 100% working in a deep scan only 5 minutes ago.
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If crystal disk info or seatools or Hard disk sentinel says that the hdd health is good is there still a need for a full and deep scan?
If you do or do not do a "full and deep scan", and it reports 100% fine, it may still die tomorrow.

Obviously, doing and seeing the results from a "deep scan" will make you feel better.
So do that.

(and still keep good backups)
You didn't understand my question. I'm not asking if he's going to die today or tomorrow, but if there's a difference between the status in CristalDiskinfo and the full, deep test. Does the deep test find flaws that Cristal doesn't find?