Everyone has their favorite video cards and will feel vexed to see them not put up or cards that shouldn't be there but are. The one card I got the most use out of at it's time was the ATI AIW 9700pro. This card had so many options and uses and had the same performance as the regular 9700pro's so why it was not up there or ANY of the great line of AIW cards put out by ATI to me is a crime of ignorance. It was sooo much better than most of these cards up there.
And I agree with one post that while the orig. voodoo cards were a add on 3D accelerator then why not put the first dedicated voodoo card that was build as a all in one setup. Don't know the name but I think it had may have been the Voodoo 3000. They also were one of the first to put dual graphics chips on one card. A real milestone and the only reason why Nvidia got on top is because they fooled everyone that 32bit color was better than the 24bit that Voodoo stated was all that was needed and the sad part is they were right. The human eye can not tell the difference and it was just PR garbage and everyone fell for it and this really helped kill the voodoo line.Also Voodoo made the card while Nvidia just made the GPU and Voodoo wasn't really setup to handle it and this also had a hand in their demise. That was very sad.
Nvidia sucked them up for their SLI and what ever else they invented for their cards in the future. I think, that is the 10,000 dollar word here, think,,,,
That this one was not thought through very well. I'll give it a 5 out of 10 rating for the lack of thinking on these ratings as being leaders and innovators in the years of graphics card improvements. And why no mention of the start with the Matrox line and the Tsing (not sure about that ones name or spelling) but they put out some butt kicking 2D video cards. They would run rings around the current video cards for 2D performance even today as a great article on this website got into on how bad 2D performance has gotten. And how Vista and it's poor memory use couldn't handle it very well....
In a way the orig. add on cards from 3DFX was a look into the future because in a way this is what we are really buying now, this year/month/day is 3D accelerated video cards and the 2D part is taken over with cpu and memory and software as they are done now. Those 3D voodoo add ones also made a more important contribution by getting programmers to open up the OPENGL software that made Doom a sure fire hit when it was redone to use this software. All in all I think the 2 most important video cards were the Voodoo cards and the AIW cards from ATI. They broke new grounds and gave us new and useable options for our computers of those days. I sure would NOT put much credit to Nvidia for their start into this arena because the current Voodoo cards were better all the way around.
But like art and cars, everyone has their faves from over the years but lets really look at who gave what innovations that went above and beyond the norm.
Most of those cards listed are just improved versions and only some really added new ground in how 3D was done and how it changed the world of computing as we see it today. I would give 3DFX the crown for their foresight into the future of how graphics are done up to today.
In it's own way it shows that the first one out with the best idea gets killed, like why we are using Blue ray HD and why we had VHS instead of Betamax.
I like to think people ARE smart but we keep on going in the worst direction almost like it's built into our DNA/RNA makeup.... Now THAT IS scary.