dragonsqrrl :
Please, elaborate for us.
Sorry, I wont🙁 It's not because I'm not into interesting arguments (I love them tbh) or because I want to dodge out from a debate without accepting if I'm wrong or anything, etc.. It's just because it would be several walls of text (literally!)... You just can't cover years of tech history in a forum post
I found an "error" almost on every page, I give you an example with the first one:
I clearly remember that (as a developer) I had a 3dfx card in my system very early (prelaunch), but the animator guy with his special dedicated 3D-workstation built for Softimage had a much more powerful professional card at the same time, therefore (imho) the statement: "superior to every other product on the market" is true if you consider "every other product" on the mainstream level only.