People hating on people mining with GPU's are missing out on money and how blockchain technology is the next internet. If you have a high end GPU why not make extra $$$ when the GPU you already own is idle 90% of the time? I've made so much money mining on my Gaming GTX 1080 that it paid for itself and now I'm mining with 6 GTX 1080 ti's and they all are 100% paid off in full in under 2 months. The quickest way to "test" earnings potential is to do a test run at nicehash and get paid in Bitcoin.
The bigger picture is that just about everything on the Internet will be done using Blockchain technology and miners will help validate it all. Just about every song, movie, video, online banking and even video games will soon be part of the blockchain. This technology is here to stay. It would probably be smarter to study it and learn how to benefit from it. Nvidia and other GPU manufactures will catch up with demand very quickly with expanded manufacturing facilities. Because of the massive increase in GPU's being sold the price will drop below what they would have been without mining. Also, because of all the extra money spent, more money is being spent in the performance race. In the end we will have much faster GPU and at a lower price. If you're smart you'll learn how to mine and the mining will pay for your GPU and have extra $$$ in your pocket.