Question The Crashes Are Back... (Zotac GTX-1050TI crashing 5-10 mins into playing games)


Dec 2, 2017
For those of you who know i have had a problem with my newer Zotac GTX-1050TI crashing 5-10 mins into playing games

Link to old discussion:

The problem has re-surfaced

This time i am playing the new Astroneer update for about 5-10 mins at about 60-70% GPU usage

I have the task manager open in summary mode open, i can see the usage of my CPU and other components

When the crashes happen the entire computer locks up for 2-3 seconds, after that the GPU usage jumps up to 100% and back down to 0% and rises to what it was before (around 60-70%) and flat-lines at 0%, after that it seems the driver or some other software issue causes the game to not respond and the same frame is displayed as when it crashed, i can click on it all i want but it will just not respond

Some things i have tried to fix said issue:
  1. unplugging my second monitor (i use an active DVI to VGA adapter for my 2nd monitor and a straight HDMI for my first)
  2. re-seating my GPU
  3. using DDU to remove my current GPU driver (i am currently running a 4 step behind driver to no benefit)
  4. initially buying a 600W PSU (as in my other thread)

I am lost on where or what the problem is, i don't know if it is a motherboard issue or a software issue

Thank You
Update: I had GPUZ open while a crash happened, not very helpful but its the best I know how to do

link to screenshot on google drive:

2nd screenshot:

Both times i was playing Astroneer (its a game for those of you who don't know)

the crashes aren't specifically on Astroneer, it happens on graphically intense games (i don't know about the Movies and TV crash though)
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