The Crowds of E3: Welcome Back E3 of Old

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[citation][nom]lunyone[/nom]How does one get into this kind of event? Just buy tickets for it? I would love to go with my son (who's 19 now).[/citation]

Visit find out everything you need about E3 except how awesome it is...Which requires attendance.
some of the geeks really need to start shaving and cut their hair....i can't stand it when guys are trying so very hard to look cool, especially geeks
Is E3 Expo 2011 open to the general public?

E3 Expo is a professional trade event and is not open to the general public. Individuals who are not able to document their direct and current professional affiliation to the interactive entertainment industry are not qualified to attend.
Incoming wall of text!

I attended to 4 E3 shows during 2003-2006 as a press correspondent. My first year was insane. A lot of people, a lot of lights, loud music, loud crowds, scantly clad gorgeous women in almost every booth on the floor, game presentations, new consoles coming up, interviews, press conferences, a very, very crowded press room and I forgot my camera back in Mexico (yay me!). It was, in a word, overwhelming.
Finished my five days in L.A. tired, with a distinctive lack of sleep, a new camera, sore and very much looking up for next year.
It opened my eyes to what every other gaming magazine and website complained about E3: so much to see, to do, to get your hands on, people to talk to, press conferences that needed to be analyzed, that's the fun part of it, then came the unnecessary events, the overcrowded venues, the gazillion people that didn't belong there (e.g. 12 year old kids on an event that clearly states you should be at least 18); E3 was awesome but so much could be done to make it even better for a journalist. And perhaps that's what made it become so dull a few years later: I saw it through the eyes of the press, of those whose voices would be heard.
And heard those voices were. Year by year I saw how the show became less flashy and more business minded. Less people on the floor, less representatives from each media outlet, less showy booths (both on their display and the lack of almost-naked ladies), quieter sounds, not so many lights, bigger focus on interviews and hands-on. It also became, little by little, something I didn't enjoy as much and almost by definition, the articles out of it became dull as well.
By 2007 I stopped attending to the event, got a different job and have been looking at the event from the consumer side. In my eyes, it went from bad to worse and even those who complained about the format of the old show were sorry they got what they wanted. And it seems it wasn't only me who thought this; they would take back E3 to it's former glory.
All the lights, sounds, big show and over the top presentations seem to be back.
I'm not attending the show anymore, but those of you who are, enjoy it and have fun. Never mind the lack of sleep, you'll probably get it back in a month or two if the gods are good with you.
[citation][nom]internetlad[/nom]I work at a small town computer repair store, can i bs my way in?[/citation]

Before E3 got crazy with their credentialing requirements (i.e., tax forms, W-2s, company credit cards with your name on them, etc.) a few of us in college got press passes a couple of years running by writing articles that had been "published" on game-related sites and printing out fake business cards - well worth the effort. Shame you couldn't get in that easily these days, ha.
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