The Definitive Windows 8 Review And User Guide

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May 2, 2008

I agree. I do a lot with photos and videos from my camera. And in XP, Vista, and Win 7; it was super easy for me to switch between list and detail view. And when an image or video was selected, I could see a tiny preview in the status bar.

Now with Windows 8, I get no preview in the status bar, less info than before, and the keyboard shortcuts for changing views has switched to a hard to remember system using numbers! I used to do ALT+V and then (L = list, D = details, etc). But now if I do ALT+V, it brings up the ribbon and there are no shortcuts to the individual views. I have to then use my mouse to select one. Or press V, then arrow around, and press Enter. OR, I have to remember the new number based system. Which is CTRL+SHIFT+(1 - 8), so now I have to remember that 2 is for medium icons, 5 is for list, 6 is for details. The CTRL+Mouse Wheel could be useful, but it scrolls through ALL the size options for several view types. So it takes way to long to switch that way between the 3 views I use most often.

And the Details Pane pinned to the right is too large as a good alternative to the previous Windows 7 mini preview that I used in the status bar area. I like the Details Pane. But it's too large for me to leave enabled all the time. The only things I really like about Windows 8, is the new Task Manager and File Copy screen with the graph.


Jul 1, 2013
I have recently switched from Win 7 to Win 8 and I must say Win 8 Is much faster and more responsive to me.
Only thing I don't like is Metro UI and the lack of programs and applications that are compatible with this OS.
Anyway performance wise Win 8 is a 5/5 by StrelokS :D

N Nandu

Sep 5, 2013
I think windows 8 is useful to users who wants to try new things and it is useless to users who don't want to try new things.<a href="">Alltechmanuals</a>


May 2, 2008

Do you have any programs to mention specifically? I test tons of software and I haven't run into anything that worked in Windows 7 x64 that didn't also work in Windows 8 x64. So just curious what didn't work in Windows 8 that did work in Windows 7? I have tested tons of games and apps and haven't run into anything that didn't work in Windows 8 that was working in Windows 7.

I don't use the Metro UI or the Windows store. That may change for me once 8.1 rolls out in October. Well for the start button/menu. I still don't plan on using the Store.


May 2, 2008

Not sure what that means. You could say the same thing of XP, Vista, Windows 7, any OS that people are "used" to.

I do agree that for the average user, if you have a computer with Windows 7 on it already, no point in paying to upgrade to Windows 8. And if you have XP or Vista, the average user will have a higher chance of having a poor experience with upgrading to Windows 8 (or 7) due to potential software and hardware support lacking. Even if they use the wizard to see what may stop working after the upgrade.

In general I don't recommend that the typical user ever upgrade the OS. Generally better overall to just buy a new system with the current OS of the day on it, and then migrate files, apps, and hardware over to the new system and re-purpose or get rid of the old system.

And for the typical power user, well.... staying up to date is common. So moving to Windows 8 will be pretty common as well. Especially now that it has been out for about a year in retail form. Other than the few changes I mentioned earlier, I like Windows 8 when configured more like Windows 7. And with 8.1 coming, I will likely enjoy the stock solution so I can ditch 3rd party Start Buttons.

Deborah Zamponi

Oct 9, 2013
Hi Adam, sorry if I borrow you, but I spent a lot of time searching the "black with gears" image you used within the "Bring Back Desktop Icons" paragraph of your article and I don't find it on the net. Can you give me some advice where to search?
Thanks in advance,


Apr 1, 2012
1st how can something this controversial get a best buy award??? Or any award???? There's a Dell laptop lying under the Xmas tree for my mum, and no way will I want to look at Win8 at all.

tpi2007 <- that. u r spot on mate.
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