The Evil Within Goes Gold, Recommended Specs Revealed

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May 3, 2013
I wouldn't be too concerned about the vram requirements if you have a 780 or 780Ti, I'd probably be concerned if you have a 670 with 2gb of ram though, but ofcourse you could always lower the texture resolution or even drop the game resolution down if you really just want to play the game.

Ron F

Aug 5, 2013
Seems like another poorly optimized game. I know Bethesda is only the publisher, not the developer, but I am so full of dealing with their bug infested products that I kind of expect this from them.

Maybe the game is able to make use of the virtual cores on the i7? This is actually something goofballs like me who bought a 1st gen i7 have been waiting for.... forever. i7-920 OC'd for 5.5 years and still chugging.


Jul 20, 2014

A 670 is on the "Recommend Specs" end. I guess those are the specs you need to enjoy the game to it's full potential, and if your system falls short, then you will not get the full experience. On consoles they probably just water down the graphics a bunch... Well, for the PS3 and Xbox 360. The PS4 isn't that bad. You also have to take into consideration the fact that gaming consoles are made primarily for gaming, while desktop and laptop computers are made for everything.


so if they want a gtx 670 then a gtx 760 4 gig should work fine.

I have been saying that 4 gigs will be needed for a long time in the forums if you do not want to upgrade in 2-3 years.

As soon as I saw mods coming out for skyrim that were asking for more than 4 gigs I knew the gaming industry would not be far behind.

gamers are constantly complaining about when will we move on from 1080p and where are the demanding PC games we all want, and stop making these watered down console ports we can power a better game.

We do not know how this game will run yet but soon 4 gigs is going to be a new norm and soon after we are going to need 6 gigs and I for one cannot wait.

just for history:

may 2011 GTX 560 1/2 GDDR
sept 2012 GTX 660 2/3 GDDR
may 2013 GTX 770 2/4 GDDR also the 6 GDDR titan came out in feb
june 2014 GTX 760 2/4 GDDR

the writing has been on the wall for a while and if you make the hardware the software will always catch up.

just looking at this the next cards should be 4 GDDR cards, the GTX 670/680 both had 4 GDDR variants and that was 2012. the overkill of two years ago will be the new standard of today (unless you are intel then you just hold everything back till you are bored).


Jun 19, 2014

Good point but still, all completely rediculas. bethesda will never develop a stable game for once in their retched lives.


Jul 20, 2014

They won't. They will be downscaled or the code will be optimized for those specific platforms, or both.



I'm right there with ya. 4K textures with Global Illumination, bring it on!!! Its funny how many people don't understand graphics cards. 5870 1Gb / 6970 2Gb / 7970 3Gb / 290X 4Gb, every generation it goes up and yet no one seems to notice LOL. Consoles turn their games down as the years go on... PC users just have to do it manually until your next upgrade ;)


May 10, 2012
Why did they bother porting it to PC if the requirements are as silly as they made them?

It's a pc PORT, it should NOT have such ridiculous requirements.



the new consoles have an 8-core CPU (x86 amd jaguar) and 8 gigs of RAM (PS4 has 8 GDDR) so get used to it and thank god finally. That is right the consoles have more GDDR than you PC and a better CPU.

why is it that nobody else saw this coming. we are finally going to get more threaded games since all gaming machines now have at least a quad core and next year many games are going to require 4 GDDR and that is only going to go up.




Requirements are silly!?!?!?! ROFL. I love how the Xbox 1 and PS4 are higher spec'd than most peoples PC's lol. They both have an 8 core CPU. That means an 8350 from AMD or an I7 from Intel. Consoles have 8 Gb of ram. That means 3 for the operating system and 5 for the game. PS4 and Xbox 1 have 5Gb of VRAM for games people. Remember when new consoles come out they're usually on par with upper tier computers. Guys, Quad Cores are so 2009......



"thank god finally" < lol


May 10, 2014

You do realize than a ps4 and xbox one do not compare to high end gaming computers. They are comparable to entry - mid gaming computers. And the requirements are silly i7 to run the game and 4gb vram are recommended meaning even with these specs you might not max out the ame. Consoles are great at what they do but can never be compared to a true gaming pc.



True, per core performance on a high end CPU will be way better, and the raw horsepower of modern GPU's is higher, but that doesn't change the fact that modern games are using more ram and are becoming multi-threaded.

How do you figure this? The jaguar CPU's have around the same processing power of a quad core CPU. Then add the fact some of that processing power is siphoned off to help power the "integrated" GPU. Yes consoles have more dedicated ram for video but it is still DDR3 speeds. The consoles CPU's can not equal even a FX 6100 so your statement is flawed.

Modern consoles can barely hold up to my older OCed Phenom II CPU. Most games still at this point only load 2 maybe 3 cores. Yes there are others that can use more but the vast majority of them are limited. Now that more cores are available we will see them come out with better threading to be able to use the extra cores/ threads available.


I'm concerned about these ludicrous system requirements. Good thing I'm getting Alien: Isolation, which looks beautiful but has much more reasonable system requirements.

What about my specs? Can they run this game? This is what I have:

Asus Essentio Series CG1330 Computer

Windows 7 64 bit

8GB of RAM

AMD Radeon 7850HD with 1GB of video memory

AMD Phenom II X6 1035T with 2.6GHz of speed

As I've said so many times, I cannot afford to upgrade and the people I live with aren't allowing me to buy a new PC, graphics card, or processor. I've upgraded my graphics card twice (6750 to a 6850, then to this 7850), I shouldn't have to do it again! In fact, I'm not too confident with installing a new processor which might be the thing to boost my PC's gaming performance. It's too dangerous and it could hurt my PC. Also, I can only get a AM3 socket processor, and the best one I can get is too expensive.

My PC is about 3 years old, so it's showing its age, but it's been running a lot of higher end visuals just fine. I have to turn off a bunch of DX11 settings, but I tend to be very happy if I have FXAA to use while turning down everything to medium, while putting filtering and texture quality to max (with the CPU intensive settings turned off). But sadly, I won't be able to max out texture quality with these ridiculous VRAM requirements. The game that gave me the biggest trouble was Splintercell: Blacklist, which gave me the biggest scare of my PC gaming life!

The thing is, my PC has pulled through so nicely, and I'm proud of it. I think it has turbocore, so the processor might be able to attain 3.1GHz of speed. My graphics card is capable of handling 4K resolutions and has excellent cooling technology. Sadly, I can't overclock any of these because my PC will bluescreen very quickly from just a small increase. This is what I get for getting this PC at Best Buy. I was so ignorant about PC gaming back then, and now I'm paying the price. I spent $300.00 total at least on graphics card upgrades, and I'm not sure if I can afford another upgrade. Besides, I don't think I have permission to get a new PC or upgrade!

So yeah, good job The Evil Within, thank you for forcing me to get the console version when I rather get the PC version.



this is the memory subsystem from anandtech,"Sony’s approach with the PS4 SoC was to use a 256-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface running somewhere around a 5.5GHz datarate, delivering peak memory bandwidth of 176GB/s". I am not going o try to explain the embedded SRAM on die for the XBOX.




Ok so a console is a PC equivalent of a quad core with a 7850. Agreed. And that will get you 900p 30fps. You want better on PC? Then you need more horsepower to run those higher resolutions, higher anti-aliasing, further draw distance, better AI, better weather, destructibility, 60fps+, that you expect on PC.
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