News The Fastest RTX 3080 Mining Rig Is a BMW i8

I got a chuckle from the license plate. HODLER. HODL indeed. I figure anyone that can afford an i8 and has connections to get 78 (plus 6 more now?) RTX 3080 cards can probably afford to lose both the money and the car in a worst-case scenario. The rest of us? Not so much.
It would be a shame if someone who didn't have a chance to buy a GPU found his car parked somewhere and accidently hit him...

Easy money for people with no class whatsoever.
Shortly after this article was posted, two tomcats got into a huge fight near by, eventually spilling over into the trunk of this guy's B&W, destroying everything inside of it. Not a single GPU made it out alive. Cats are awesome! 🤣
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This article only fuels his agenda; making him more known, and ticking off more folks in the process.
Did this article really need to go up? This guy needs to be ignored; he's being fed more salty tears, of which he's more than happy to drink, or bathe in.

There are people out there that live off of others' dissatisfaction. If people articulate that, then:
Nice how someone who seemingly is well to do financially finds it funny to mock gamers and rob them of the chance to purchase a gpu and use it for what the developers intended it to be used for. I see this person as being as shoe in for the Gold in the Douchebag Olympics with minimal competition to be sure.
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This article only fuels his agenda; making him more known, and ticking off more folks in the process.
Did this article really need to go up? This guy needs to be ignored; he's being fed more salty tears, of which he's more than happy to drink, or bathe in.

There are people out there that live off of others' dissatisfaction. If people articulate that, then:
Things go viral for a reason, and it's often not because the content is praiseworthy. This is definitely a news story written for the traffic spike it will inevitably bring. C'est la vie!
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Splendid! My brother and i were discussing building a similar rig in a Tesla. We shelved the idea as significant alteration of the Tesla would be required for an adequate thermal solution. Which this fellow seems to have not yet solved either. (leaving the back hatch open is NOT a solution that would last very long, the GPUs would very quickly be removed forces)

To the fellow that said he didn't like crypto because of energy use/pollution.... well then I suppose he doesn't like any technology that uses electricity. Crypto miners (like any industry that uses a lot of energy) will use the cheapest energy available. For me, that is renewable hydroelectric power in my area. Which comes from a grid that incorporates all types of energy. Renewables like solar and wind are continuing to be cheaper, which will help everyone including crypto miners.
This is why, we as a species, no longer deserve to live. The jerks aren't just jerks, but they have to brag about the fact they are jerks. It's proof as a society we failed.

Am I crying over people like this? No. Because I know people like him will always be mental midgets and worthless in the grand scheme of things, no matter how much money they have. Money doesn't breed class or maturity.
I am Annoyed! At the big three who make these moments, a car with GPUs to go a big deal while they give dozens of poor excuses why PC parts industry gets jammed when the mood strikes them
As a BMW mechanic, I can confirm this guy is going to need a new engine within a year from a warped head and/or engine block.

As a friend of mine who owns a BMW once said "BMW stands for 'By More Warranty'" BMW has the highest resale rate after one year because most people cite "lack of reliability" and "high cost of repair" (Not blaming you, just BMW's poor engineering as of late.)
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A small price to pay, I guess? The mining operation will more than make up for it, right?

I don't actually know, but I am curious.
Probably not, at least if we're talking about the mining operation in the back of the car. I can't say I know exactly how much the power produced from from this hybrid car's gas engine costs on a kw/h basis, but it's undoubtedly a lot more expensive than electricity from the wall at home. And this is not something you can leave running for long when the car's gas engine isn't running. Its battery apparently has around 5000kw/h of usable capacity, which would only be good for running this for maybe 3 hours at most with the engine off before the battery would be drained. And of course, if the trunk needs to be open, you can't run it while the car is actually driving anywhere, and you wouldn't leave the car unattended in a public place with the trunk open containing thousands of dollars worth of computer equipment. It might also put additional stresses on the car's electrical system, leading to expensive repair costs down the line. This setup is undoubtedly just for use as an impractical conversation-piece to show off.
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