<b>phsstpok</b>, you can call it bashing, but I call it a sad fact.
If you think I'm being unjustly biased against nV, fine prove me wrong.
And if you thought I was talking about the AMD64-FX51, then you really need to read the title of the forum. Focus on Graphics cards. Here's a <A HREF="http://forumz.tomshardware.com//modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewforum&f=1" target="_new">link to CPU section</A> should you need more info.
<b>Heinz57</b>, Yeah, I've seen the Anand benchmarks, and without IQ screenies, I don't trust them. Shaderperformance didn't improve by that much so the question is whether or not the partial precision is good enough, and no I won't take Anand's word for it. It's funny how many DET 52.XX bnechmarks are out there, yet no screenies. Don't trust other people's subjective visual opinion, jus like [H] said, well bilinear looks almost as good, especially when you're moving... Well that's not the SAME IQ now is it?
Anywhoo, we shall see. I still stand by the statement hat the FX5900U is not worth the money, and this is just one more example of why. he FX series should be hastened to the grave and the NV40 should replace it as soon as can be made possible without jeopardizing the line.
But then again, that's just my two frames' worth.
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