[SOLVED] the low gpu usage that no one has been able to solve for a year... can you?


Apr 18, 2022
[Moderator edit to break up one solid paragraph of text without sentences and other punctuation.]

Ok idk if this is how i ask people on here for help but hopefully it is but on I have been getting low fps and gpu usage is around 30% at all times

EXEPT when im running any benchmarks if i run a benchmark gpu usage goes to 98-100% and it scores good, i have tried a factory reset on pc/ re-installing windows and after testing after re-installing windows the problem is still there

so im almost certain its not a setting i changed and i thought it was just my ASUS 2070 super that was messed up i even took it to a pc place and they said its most likely the gpu so literally yesterday i got a 3070 ti and what do you know... its still having the same problem,

so i have to believe its my CPU a Ryzen 7 2700x which i was gonna upgrade to a Ryzen 7 5800x sense i have a 3070 ti now my pc specs are evga 3070 ti, Ryzen 7 2700x, G.Skill 16 GB of ram 3200MHz, corsair 750W power supply and a ASUS B450-F gaming Motherboard (bios up to date).

this issue caused me to re-found Elden ring because i could only get 40 fps and CoD MW gets low fps like 100 max on low/medium settings all 1080p and watchdogs legion i get like 60-80fps low/medium and i know there not unplayable but it hurts when you get a expensive pc for sucky performance than you should be getting idk if maybe the gpu slot its in is weird(its in 1st one) or what,

I've had this problem for years and taken it places and i still have it and its making me loose hope, best news i could hear is its CPU because i wanted to replace it anyway but I'm truly out of ideas.

i have tied overclocking with Ryzen master and I've had it boot up to a blue error screen or a black screen and like setting on there say 10000 when normally they are at 147 or somewhere around there so idk if me messing which cpu messed up something with it but if i ever oc CPU in future I'm using bios

but any help is greatly appreciated.
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When the pc is in idle, or doing very little, the pcie x16 box will read less than x16. That's normal nvidia behavior. It's only when under a significant load will you see x16.

Fps has nothing to do with the gpu, and everything to do with cpu. It's the cpu that organizes, places objects in space, computes, puts together a frame before sending it to the gpu. The amount of times it can do that per second is Frames Per Second. The only thing the gpu has to do is either live upto that amount, or fail. According to detail settings and resolution.

You could put a 3090ti in that pc, you'll get the same fps. The gpu doesn't make more feames than the cpu can supply. Figure out what's bottkenecking the cpu and you'll solve the fps output issue...
A 2700X will hold back a 3070Ti for sure, but not by as much you're stating even though you play @1080p. Try forcing PCI-E 16x on the motherboard if it's set to "auto". The PSU, which 750W model from Corsair do you have?
A 2700X will hold back a 3070Ti for sure, but not by as much you're stating even though you play @1080p. Try forcing PCI-E 16x on the motherboard if it's set to "auto". The PSU, which 750W model from Corsair do you have?

how do I force PCL-E 16x on MB and what does that do? also i got my pc in 2019 so i cant remember the exact psu model but i thought it was the Corsair EM (2019) 750W 80+ Gold Certified
A 2700X will hold back a 3070Ti for sure, but not by as much you're stating even though you play @1080p. Try forcing PCI-E 16x on the motherboard if it's set to "auto". The PSU, which 750W model from Corsair do you have?
Also I just checked…. Think and I think it’s running at x8 idk how to send pictures but in GPU-Z under Bus interface it says “PCIe x16 4.0 @ x8 3.0 and I’ve tried the tender test to see if it goes up to x16 if that’s the right thing and it doesn’t change also in bios in Tools section and under Tool/Graphics card Information/GPU Post in the slot: PCIEX16_1 is says “Card: Nividia GPU” and under that it says Type: Running at x8 Native but even if that should be at x16 or somthig could that really have that massive of a effect on games?
5xxx has better instructions per clock (ipc) than previous gens and more capable of supplying the graphics card more frames especially when graphics settings are set lower. So in some cases, and with your 2700x, it's not a bad processor by any stretch, just don't expect it to provide a powerful gpu high frame rates in some titles.

What you want to do is up the graphics more, not lessen it. And check your ram is actually running at 3200MHz because xmp is not automatic and needs the user (you) to enable it in the bios otherwise they'll only run at default speed which is 2133. 2133 would kill a lot of performance for sure.
5xxx has better instructions per clock (ipc) than previous gens and more capable of supplying the graphics card more frames especially when graphics settings are set lower. So in some cases, and with your 2700x, it's not a bad processor by any stretch, just don't expect it to provide a powerful gpu high frame rates in some titles.

What you want to do is up the graphics more, not lessen it. And check your ram is actually running at 3200MHz because xmp is not automatic and needs the user (you) to enable it in the bios otherwise they'll only run at default speed which is 2133. 2133 would kill a lot of performance for sure.

yea i know 2700x would draw a little fps off but for Minecraft for example if I hop on a default survival world with complementary LITE shaders with 14 chunk load i get 30-40fps. And in most games I play whether I play on high or low settings, changing it to high does increase gpu usage a little, but it keeps the same fps so idk what it is ;(
When the pc is in idle, or doing very little, the pcie x16 box will read less than x16. That's normal nvidia behavior. It's only when under a significant load will you see x16.

Fps has nothing to do with the gpu, and everything to do with cpu. It's the cpu that organizes, places objects in space, computes, puts together a frame before sending it to the gpu. The amount of times it can do that per second is Frames Per Second. The only thing the gpu has to do is either live upto that amount, or fail. According to detail settings and resolution.

You could put a 3090ti in that pc, you'll get the same fps. The gpu doesn't make more feames than the cpu can supply. Figure out what's bottkenecking the cpu and you'll solve the fps output issue.

That could be anything from ram speeds, timings, loops, driver issues, storage issues, even storage transmission speeds if using external USB devices or fontcache. Might start with checking the Event Viewer, see if there's any reoccurring issues or services shutting down, conflicts etc.
When the pc is in idle, or doing very little, the pcie x16 box will read less than x16. That's normal nvidia behavior. It's only when under a significant load will you see x16.

Fps has nothing to do with the gpu, and everything to do with cpu. It's the cpu that organizes, places objects in space, computes, puts together a frame before sending it to the gpu. The amount of times it can do that per second is Frames Per Second. The only thing the gpu has to do is either live upto that amount, or fail. According to detail settings and resolution.

You could put a 3090ti in that pc, you'll get the same fps. The gpu doesn't make more feames than the cpu can supply. Figure out what's bottkenecking the cpu and you'll solve the fps output issue.

That could be anything from ram speeds, timings, loops, driver issues, storage issues, even storage transmission speeds if using external USB devices or fontcache. Might start with checking the Event Viewer, see if there's any reoccurring issues or services shutting down, conflicts etc.

im almost certain that all drivers are up to date and says 3200MHz in task manager and id kif GPU-Z shows active stats but PCIe x16 showed x8 the whole time i was getting 35fps in a Minecraft survival world storage transmission speed... idk how to know or check but my only storage is a 2 tb Samsung 970 evo M.2 SSD and the only external usb device i use in a controller for some games... if this info helps i was going to replace cpu with ryzen 7 5800x regardless but im not sure itll fix it, i really hope it does and pray it will but i just don't know if it could be anything else
Sometimes dirty contacts can reduce pcie speed. Use isopropyl and qtips and brush inside the pcie slot and inspect for anything else foreign that may have made it's way in there. Use magnifying glass and look for any hair strands, shiny residue, dust etc.
Sometimes dirty contacts can reduce pcie speed. Use isopropyl and qtips and brush inside the pcie slot and inspect for anything else foreign that may have made it's way in there. Use magnifying glass and look for any hair strands, shiny residue, dust etc.

okay I can try that but if that doesn’t work could I try to put gpu in second PCIe slot and see if there’s any difference? And is it possible that a hair or little dirty PCIe slot can drastically reduce preformance? If so it’s possible that’s the problem tho idk because I’ve only taken out my gpus from the actual slot a total of like 4 times in 3 years but I mean worth a try to eliminate possibility’s
okay I can try that but if that doesn’t work could I try to put gpu in second PCIe slot and see if there’s any difference? And is it possible that a hair or little dirty PCIe slot can drastically reduce preformance? If so it’s possible that’s the problem tho idk because I’ve only taken out my gpus from the actual slot a total of like 4 times in 3 years but I mean worth a try to eliminate possibility’s

Dirty contact can cause pcie lanes to half yes, have come across this before in other threads.

Can try second slot.
did you have this problem with other gpus? if so which ones? same games as you listed?

from 2019- 3 days ago I had a rtx 2070 super and I had this problem as long as I could remember fist noticeing in Cod MW from getting 80 fps in Warzone on low settings and that was a long time ago and now I have a 3070 ti but still same preformance pretty much, and it’s pretty much every game except for a few that even tho I get less fps than I should it’s still enough like raft I can get over 144 fps so I don’t mind but elden ring I got 30-40 fps on medium and had to redound because I couldn’t play it and MW and wat h dogs legion and I don’t really play Fortnite at all but if I ever do when I’m bored I can only get like 80-120fps it’s goes up and down a lot. Pretty much every game I have this problem but some I don’t really realize it, my main game in rocketleague and it’s not a demanding game so I don’t realize it that’s why I haven’t tried hard to fix it but with new games coming out that I’m interested in like elfin ring that I can’t run it’s getting very annoying…
Dirty contact can cause pcie lanes to half yes, have come across this before in other threads.

Can try second slot.

Alright I’ll try this as soon as I can.. thank for help wether it works or not if it’s not that do you have any other possibilities on what it could be? I could only see cpu or possibly motherboard and very very very small chance psu but idk
Everything you have is x16 capable, and should normally run at x16 under a load. So there's either a setting changed in bios putting you at x8 (setting Gen4 for a Gen3 card etc) or the mobo is under assumption of usage of the second slot and is purposefully setting you at x8/x8
No, but it does explain why it's running @8x.
Upgrade your CPU and maybe some extra RAM.

alright i was planning to upgrade CPU but fingers crossed that will work because i don't think its ever worked properly or if it has i haven't remembered so it'll feel like a giant upgrade but idk if this leans it towards CPU even more is that some games stutter a bit.

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