@Reynod - they eat it eventually. If not later that night, It goes in their lunchbox for school the next day. And maybe they throw it away and lie to me about it, who knows.
My example might have been irrelevant or over the top. And I apologize. I just feel like this has turned into the "Give Mirakledba advice he won't even consider" thread.
I just thought it would be a good idea to get something available instead of obsess over something that isn't going to happen.
Paying $700 to ship a $100 case just seems silly to me and not fair to the man that has to foot that bill when local options are available.
But your right, I'm not in your situation so I may never understand.
My example might have been irrelevant or over the top. And I apologize. I just feel like this has turned into the "Give Mirakledba advice he won't even consider" thread.
I just thought it would be a good idea to get something available instead of obsess over something that isn't going to happen.
Paying $700 to ship a $100 case just seems silly to me and not fair to the man that has to foot that bill when local options are available.
But your right, I'm not in your situation so I may never understand.