The Member's Systems Discussion Thread

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Sheesh these kids...not knowing what SOH-CAH-TOA is...may not even know what a ball turret gunner is either then, or who Franz Kafka is...
Hmmm, some call themselves gamers, but I wonder how many have heard (or said) "Wing, Fuselage, Cockpit, Engine, Engine, Engine; down in flames!"
Also make sure you know how to factor. There is a solid amount of that on the SAT, and you will need it in every advanced math class basically daily.

MDBA, those are great grades. I graduated with like a 3.5 in Highschool. It'll be such a shock when you get to college and that 3.83 becomes a 2.83 and you re trying for a 3.0 not a 4.0. Lol.
Dark - Thank you. Ill be sure to do that. Really wise words. You're very prudent lol.

Onus - Ughhh lmao IM SORRY Ill be learning that next year! Also, about the engine down gaming reference or whatever, I hate to break it to you all, but I stopped gaming a long time ago. I just dont enjoy it. My hobbies are baseball, guitar, aviation, and exercising.

Tiny - Haha thanks. Dont be mistaken, thats not my cumulative is like a 3.5 almost (Freshmen year I got ALL B's!! Online schooling man....) But after this semester, and senior year with honors and more AP courses, Im hoping to end up with like a 3.7 cumulative...idk. Also, I know how to factor, again I dont mean to come off as cocky, but I am the best at math in my class lol. Then again, it is Algebra

D34th - Why do you have memories of sitting in a turret.... lol

Also guys...I really want to go to UCI But I feel like my GPA (whatever it is by 2nd semester senior year) isnt/wont be good enough....Its really discouraging. Thats my dream school, Ill feel like a failure if I dont get into UCI or UCLA. They really look into the SAT Scores...whats a good healthy score? 2000? UCI's AVG sat is 1731...also GPA IS 3.93!!! Im at like a 3.45 Cumulative (award was for last semester) NO WAY I can get it up to a 3.9 by the end of next year! Im so worried.
I hate to say I told you so, well, no I don't. I told you so.

Trust me, I haven't just been around the block, I'm pretty sure I poured some of the concrete the block was built with too. :)


I told him the same thing as well...
"Trust me, I haven't just been around the block, I'm pretty sure I poured some of the concrete the block was built with too. "

Freaking BARS right there. Someone call the fire dept because shawdy just dropped it HOT. :lol:
Bossy - I can buy right now, FSX, PMDG and a bunch of software to make the weather and terrain VERY REAL, and a whole entire yoke and rudder system, I was going to get it, but I didnt..heres a tip: Spend your money on REAL flying....maybe after you get your Private, you can have a simulator and also fly irl but now, just focus on reality. Flying 777's and 737's PMDGS, even though VERY FUN and real, wont help you in private training in a cessna or whatever prop engine you may fly...just a piece of advice.

BUT, if you are set on it...I heard PMDG 777 can work with the steam FSX..I do have steam FSX. Idk look up PMDG on steam FSX. Have I mentioned this to you guys? March 5th Im flying :) (InshAllah)
UCI's AVG sat is 1731...also GPA IS 3.93

That means they don;t care about SAT and only GPA. A 1731 out of 2400 is not good. If you can't get to more than a 3.5 and their average is a 3.93, and you don;t have money to buy your way in or a parents who has alot of influence there, I'd forget it and try to work on UCLA. What do you want to study?

Don't shoot for a 2000. shoot for a 2400.
I probably can get over a 3.5...ill probably end up with atleast a 3.5. Im not sure what I want to study idea at all. And thats cause it doesnt matter what i major in to fly for an Im not sure. Isnt UCLA harder to get into? Now im really worried cause I feel like it would be so much easier to just become a doctor lol.

Yeah Ill try to get a 2400 haha.
Yeah see the thing is I dont want to just have a fall back, Ill feel like a think i should major in psycho Biology like my dad and if like halfway through college I Realize I wont be an airline pilot, I can just go to Med school after college..?

Edit: My dad and his bros are all doctors (except one) lol and 3 went to UCLA and other went to UCI....think that gives me a better change to get into UCLA? + My dad will be paying for my college (InshAllah)
Lol brb gonna have my dad donate to UCLA 😛 Yeah I mean I dont know if it INTERESTS me a lot, but I wont mind it. Its not like I hate medicine or anything, Im good at biology. BUT, one of my uncles says being a doctor isnt worth all the studying and hassle and he makes over 300k lol.

Edit: I actually for the longest time wanted to be a doctor lol what am I even saying! Id probably be an anesthesiologist.
You can make 300k at your uncle's age in alot of professions. Not just medicine. My uncle is a computer scientist with a masters degree and he doubles your uncle's salary working at Amazon Web Services. You can make alot of money doing other things as well. I have several friends who started at over 100k right out of school with only B.S degrees.
Edited my last post.

The only two things I have in mind is a Doctor or an Airline pilot. If I had to give you a third option, it'd be law but When I was young young I wanted to be a lawyer lol.

I am taking ground classes right now. The reason I wanted a sim is because if I can get a head start practicing what ever plane I fly to get my ATP, i'll do much better rather than spending more money for me to get more lessos. I just found that P3d has a academic version for people under undergrads thing, for 60$. Might get that, practice the plane I will bve flying, and be good.

As for real flying, that is reallly expensive. I only got about 450$, in 2 years. So real flying would become something when i get a job, which would be i nthe summer.

Yeah my brother is a doctor and he said it takes years before you start making that kind of money, and hospital techs usually don't see it until they've worked at least 10 years in the profession, which he is.