[citation][nom]reynod[/nom]So get some more information out to us soon guys ...I agree ipad looks to be a fizzer - all locked up, no expansion, no phone or webcam ... it could have been an awesome videophone to start with ... instead its a halfbaked toy. No recharegeable batteries either.[/citation]
All locked up? It's unlocked by default from providers, has far looser App store restrictions (fewer native apps to clash with), and there's 150,000 apps and a whole new GUI to play with. The only think that's locked is there's a single marketplace, but ANYONE is welcome to play there (unless you hock porn or illegal apps, in which case unlocking is easy and apps are available).
Expansion? Who cares really. The CLOUD is your expansion. The internal storage is only required for your daily when-not-otherwise-connected need, everything else is streamed. 32GB is more than enough local storage...
No phone? You missed the reviews. The SDK does have a full phone interface, VoIP apps are fully approved over 3G, and it tethers with your existing phone anyway... It need not have it's own Phone plan (and why would you want to add it as a line anyway!?!?) Your phone rings, you click on the iPad screen to answer, and talk through bluetooth as you allways would, or it's internal mic and speakers... You are simply just misinformed on this count.
Webcam? Think about it, if there's a cam on the bezel, where would it point when it's on your lap??? You'd have to hold it at arms length to talk, and the video would shake all over for the poor sap on the otehr end since building in hardware motion canceling is impossible in a 3mm think camera lens (thus far). Also, which bezel should it go on? Should it face forward, back, both? A bluetooth camera stack exists, and a clip-on one, bluetooth cameras are $50. For the 20% of people who might actually video chat, I'd much rather have a small, detachable, more useful camera that integrated with the software than have one built in that I have to pay for but would never realistically use. This is one reason it;s $499 starting, not $899, suck it up!
Rechargible battery? You must have meant "replaceable." First off, wtf cares. it plays video for 10+ hours streamed over WiFi. It has a 30 fucking day standby time. It;s a LiPo battery with a 5,000 charge lifecycle. By the time the battery gives out from age, the device will be useless anyway, and be replaced by a much more powerful $200 device. Also, that battery you want, you realize that's probably a $120 LiPo battery pack, right? That you'd never have charged anyway when you needed it? And exactly when do you plan to play video for more than 10 straight hours (or read an ebook for 20 hours) where you could not find a USB port or wall outlet for 30 minutes to recharge?
you're beating up a device over not-included features that are either completely irrelevent, or only required by a small percentage of buyers (and which ARE available to those buyers), simply because you lack all reasonable imagination of what this device is for.
The iPad is NOT a computer, it;s a COMPANION computing device. NO, it does not run a full OS. I DO NOT WANT IT TO, because then I;d have to CARE FOR IT as if it did, it would not be instant on, it would not be easy to use, and I'd argue why I'd not just have a real PC for a couple hundred more. The iPad is a very light, hermetically sealed, always-on, always receiving notifications and alerts, media powerhouse and game platform. It's an INSTANT GRATIFICATION and CONVENIENCE platform, not a computer, not an e-book reader, and not a phone. It goes WITH your phone and your PC, and does not replace either. If you had clue one about how it might actually fit into life, you'd realize quickly this is going to revolutionize how you spend your free time, how you get media to your TV, how you interact with people and the web, and more. It is not about the hardware, it's about the CONVERGENCE of technology and media. THAT is what is revolutionary, and that's what all you idiots missed. You just don't get it, and I fear you never will.
(sorry for the rant, nothing personal, just sick of haterz and FUD already).